There is a scene in Disney's "Jungle Book" where the buzzards are sitting around saying, "What do you want to do? I don't know; what do you want to do?" That could be my family trying to make a decision. Yesterday morning while drinking our coffee, we were playing out that scene. Finally, we decided to load up the kayaks and head to Lake Elmore Thomas Rec Area (LETRA) on Ft. Sill. The 4th of July should be a fun time - I guess all of those years in Red River really spoiled us, because we want to celebrate on the 4th. Jesse made some calls, but the only person who wanted to go with us was Jan. In typical Baggett fashion we threw everything on the trailer and in the truck and took off with the simple, last minute plan to go to the lake for the 4th of July.
Toby chose to ride his motorcycle while I drove the truck pulling the trailer with bicycles and kayaks. Jan chose to ride in the truck with Jesse and me rather than ride his motorcycle. We turned in the usual gate at Ft. Sill and went through the typical ID check before we were sent on down the rode by the gatekeepers. Toby had to park his bike at the gate because they said he did not have on a reflective vest. Actually his jacket does have reflective trim, but oh well. He was disappointed because that part of the road is very twisty. When we got way down the road toward the lake, we went across some low-water crossings. We got stuck in the second crossing. It made for some excitement and work. Having been married to Toby for 30 years this was a normal experience, but it was new for Jan. We were glad to have Jan along to help get us out of that predicament, but I would like to talk to those gatekeepers about sending us down a road that should have been closed.

By the time we got to the lake, we were starving. We found a camp area and set to work cooking the burgers and brats. I remembered to take lots of good food and drinks, but forgot things like a spatula and paper-goods. Some young army guys at the next camp area provided some tongs to flip the burgers - we provided them with half a watermelon and our thanks for all that they do for us. Toby had to remove the back two tires of the truck to get rocks out of the wheels and brakes while I was cooking burgers. One of the brake pads was ruined. Once again, Jan was a big help in removing tires.
Our meal turned out great, but we were hot and sweaty and ready for a dip in the lake. We loaded the truck back up and drove over to the rec area.
We raced down the double slide a few times and swam in the swim-area to cool off. The Photo of the beach and slide were taken later in the afternoon when many people had already gone home, although it was never crowded.
Then Jesse, Toby, and Jan launched the kayaks and went for a paddle around the lake while I sat and read on the beach - my kind of party. A little people watching, reading and swimming were perfect for me. 

When everyone had enough sun and fun, we were hungry again. After changing clothes and loading the truck and trailer again, we drove into Lawton to eat at Chile's. Once again, I was glad to have Jan there to load kayaks and stuff. Besides providing us with lots of good conversation throughout the day, he also bought our dinner. We got home about 9:00 PM. People in Duncan were dragging out their lawn chairs setting them up in parking lots to watch the fireworks at the Country Club. We were too tired to stay for the fireworks and headed on home to the Lazy B.
Everyone went off to work this morning leaving me to clean house and do the laundry. It is back to the grind.
Happy Post 4th Lou! Sounds like quite a fun day with Jan, Jesse, and your Motorcycle Man!
We started the morning with a run to Town Lake, followed by Craig's fab migas. Cheezam, that man can cook a mean breakfast! Nina and Adam came over for burgers in the afternoon and some 4th of July games (water balloon toss, egg toss contest -- guess who got egged!), etc. We were invited to a very pish-posh event at the Headliner's Club for dinner and the downtown firework show. We got all gussied up and watched the fireworks from the 21st floor of the Chase Bldg. Then when we rolled in around 11:00 p.m. Craig commenced to telling me RR 4th of July stories...thanks to your blog it triggered some mighty happy memories for him and some entertaining stories for me!
Catherine, sounds like you guys had a great 4th. Yep, that Craig can toss, an egg and he is competitive. That post triggered memories for Jesse too - maybe I will blog them.
Sounds like you both had an All-American Fourth, Ladies. LETRA looks like a LOT of fun, Lou. Is it run by the Army, since it's on Fort Sill?
It doesn't seem to be run by the army other than the gates to get onto the base.
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