My "older ladies" art class started at 10:00 AM. It was an exceptional art day with my girlfriends. We got some good painting and good conversation done.
The ladies finally left around 1:00 PM. At 1:30 my next art class started. Ashley was my only student, but it is always nice to have some one-on-one time with my girls, and Ashley is always fun. At about 5:00 PM, Toby came home from work bringing GBN1 with him. She hit the door talking and never quit. Ashley was entertained, but had to leave to have a Valentine’s Dinner with her family. Toby wanted to take GBN1 and me out to eat also – just because it would be fast and easy. It was such a beautiful afternoon – warm and calm. He took GBN1 out to feed the horses while I cleaned up after art and got myself ready. As they walked out the door GBN1 grabbed her toy binoculars. I heard this conversation as they left:
Toby: I can see the horses.
GBN1: Where? (looking through the wrong end of the binoculars)
Toby: Here, turn those around (he turns the binoculars around and hands them back to GBN!)
GBN1: I can’t see anything! (she turns the binoculars back around).
Toby looked back at me, and we both started laughing.

Toby: I can see the horses.
GBN1: Where? (looking through the wrong end of the binoculars)
Toby: Here, turn those around (he turns the binoculars around and hands them back to GBN!)
GBN1: I can’t see anything! (she turns the binoculars back around).
Toby looked back at me, and we both started laughing.
I was ready before they came back to the house, so I started out across the pasture to meet them. GBN1 hollered, "Here I am, Booboo!" and she continued to talk non-stop about all sorts of things including how Crew-Craw (her name for Toby) made a mess by spilling his Dr. Pepper. Sure enough, Toby had a big wet spot on his shirt. It seems they never made it to the horses, but played "house" in the horse trailer where GBN1 instructed her granddad "You knock! I’ll be watching TV,"
We loaded up in the car to go to the Chuck Wagon for supper. GBN1 was a bit concerned that we were taking her home or to church, and was much pleased that we did not do those things. We saw Ashley and her family at the CW and sat with them. Most of the conversation was about our recent trip to Scotland, but GBN1 occasionally threw in some way-out observation to keep us laughing. She was relieved again, when we came back to the house and did not take her home. She insisted on a bath in my big sink when we got home. I pretty much let her have her way – it is just more fun. Lindsay came home with Jesse after playing walleyball – more people for GBN1 to entertain.

When GBN1’s parents showed up, we were all wound up and having a big time. We showed all the new tricks (dancing and sword fighting) to her parents. I am sure they were impressed with all that we had taught their daughter.
As Toby and I got ready for bed, I told him it was the best Valentine’s Day I had ever had. GBN1 reminded me of her father when he was little. Sometimes you forget how fun your own children were. It was nice to be reminded.
Sounds like a great good day, Lou, in all respects!
re: I am sure they were impressed with all that we had taught their daughter.
Back in the day when SN2 was in submarines my DIL would pack up the two girls and come spend the four-month deployment time with TSMP and I in Detroit. My DIL was MUCH less than impressed with the trick I taught her daughter (my GBN2) when she was slightly less than three years old. We'd sit on the front porch in the evenings just socializing and TSMP and I would enjoy an adult beverage or two. I taught GBN2 where the beer was in the fridge and how to retrieve refills. So... every ten minutes or so GBN2 would pull on my arm and ask "Ready for another one, GrandPaPa?" (Her exact words, learned at my knee, of course.) She'd run like the wind to the kitchen and back whenever I said "yes."
Dunno why that seemed to upset my DIL so... ;-)
Buck, I like that! Teach them to serve when they are young. I don't know why your DIL would not like that.
Art was fun. But GBN1 was a blast. She is always good for a laugh.
i can't do that with mine...the bottle may come back empty.
GBN1 talking nonstop? It couldn't be! I can't imagine what its going to be like when #2 gets going...they could probably do their own radio show. Lord, can you imagine if all four princesses teamed up? They could probably write their own dictionary.
Piper, it is already a hoot when the princesses get together. Your two alone are like George Burns and Gracie Allen.
I love the painting!
Lou, your brother is quite the romantic....starting on VD eve (I have to laugh every time I read or write VD - my health teacher in high school used to say VD because she couldn't stand the term "venereal disease!" hmmmm). Anyway, red roses, a bottle of wine, and a sweet card on the eve of VDay -- a card on my car seat the morning of VDay and yet more flowers and heart-shaped dark chocolate that evening when I came home. AND....not over yet..this weekend we're headed to SA for a stay in a B&B in the King William area and a dance at the Guadalupe Art Center. Cheezam..he's a keeper! :)
Loved your story about YOUR VDay with GBN1! There's nothin' sweeter!
Catherine, are you sure that is MY brother? Maybe some alien has come to earth and taken over his body. I hope more of them come to earth. Have fun in SA.
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