March is a great month for birthdays. Today is GBN1's fourth birthday. What a joy she is to my life! The old saying, "If I had known that grandbabies were so much fun, I would have had them first" is certainly true. We will celebrate with a party this weekend, and I will have new pics then.
Four Years Old!!! It's hard to believe. She is such a little chatter box. Yesterday we were shopping together and at one point I was standing outside the restroom door as her mother took her in for a potty break. I must have looked pretty silly with that wide grin plastered on my face with a little giggle escaping every once in awhile. You see, I don't think GBN1's little mouth stopped chattering from the time she went in until she came out. It took me back about 24 years when her mother was 4 years old and quite the chatter box!
When we take those potty breaks at church, there are quite a few ladies that leave the restroom with that silly grin on their face from GBN1 entertaining them - from the time she enters the door until she leaves.
Lou ~ I have one grandchild ... and she is nearly four. Oh my gosh what fun! .. listening to the things they can come up with to say is just so entertaining. I don't see my grand-monkey as much as I like but I treasure every single minute with her.
Have a WONDERFUL time celebrating GBN1's fourth birthday this weekend. Can't wait for the pictures!
GBN1 is very entertaining. She does and says the funniest things. Happy Birthday GBN1!
Happy Birthday GBN!!!
Four is a great age... it just keeps getting better, and better, and better. Until about age 13. Or so. ;-)
Happy birthday to GBN1! They do grow up so fast!
Happy Birthday to that bright light!
And you're so right; kids say the funniest things! Craig and I started a conversation while CJ (2 1/2) was building some blocks. Suddenly he realize he was not getting FULL attention, so he stopped what he was doing, put his hands on his hips and very politely said, "Hey Guys, no talking please!"
And speaking of sweet bright lights who have March birthdays...Happy 50th to YOU Lou (this Sunday!).
Happy Birthday to the Calvina!
I am in love with this age, around 3 and 4. and with our little grandboy, the way his mind starts kicking into high speed. whoa, certainly keeps you on your toes.
Happy wonderful B-day to GBN1 and to the grannies and pa's who get to play this weekend :)
Thanks for all the birthday wishes for GBN1. We plan on taking her to Micky D's for breakfast on Saturday and going to WalMart to pick out a present. I think she is more excited about McDonalds than the present.
Grandbabies are God's reward for not killing our children!!
Happy Birthday GBN1!!
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