Friday, April 18, 2008

Art Evening - Rodeo Morning

It was art all day yesterday. One of my art ladies showed up at 9:30 (class starts at 10). No problema; just let me brush my teeth. Actually, I was up and ready, matting some paintings. Eight ladies showed up for art, which is a lot for my little house. Then we all went to lunch together to celebrate a birthday. Ashley came to the "old ladies" art class, went to lunch with us, and then came back for "young ladies" art class. I think she is a glutton for punishment.

All of the art young ladies left by 5 PM and I packed up my art supplies for my demo at the Art Guild, which was in town. It had been overcast all day, but nothing notable. About the time I needed to walk out the door, the skies opened up and poured forth water as in the days of Noah. I waited for a lull in the rain, but I could not wait too long or my driveway would be impassable. As it turned out, my driveway was already muck, but being a real cowgirl, I drove right through it. At the highway, there was a car in the ditch – don’t know why, but I assume it was due to the heavy rains. The guy was okay and he got out of the ditch on his own, and I went on to town. A mile down the road, the rain quit – the highway was dry. Amazing!

The lady with the key to the Art Guild building was late, and I was early to set up my supplies. She got there about the time the rain did. Jesse showed up to help me and was a great assistant. The lady that I call "the kindergarten teacher" kept bossing Jesse around. I was glad that Jesse did not take her out – leave that to me for later.

My demo/art lesson went off okay. There were several people at the AG meeting that I had never seen before in my life. One lady, whom I did not know, brought her two, young grandsons – I thought that was odd, but what the hey. After introducing myself and talking about the Yupo paper, I started passing out the supplies with the aid of my beautiful assistant. Beforehand, I had cut some white-board to use as cheap paint pallets. When I passed them out, everyone was in awe and asking questions. I kept saying that they were for the paint and that they were just white board or what some people call abitibi or bathroom board or masonite with a white slick side, that I had bought them at the local lumber supply…they were dumbfounded. I finally figured out that they thought the boards were the Yupo paper. I never saw that coming and it threw me for a loop. Although I recovered, I had the thought, "Am I stupid or is it them?"

Who knows what everyone thought of my lesson. I think most of the people had fun and enjoyed the new paper – that was my purpose. There were those anal folks who would not have enjoyed anything no matter what I did, but then I knew that going in to this demo. Jesse and I left the AG meeting about 8:30. It had been raining all evening. I followed Jes who was in her own car. When we got to our driveway, she turned in without thinking and drove out to the muddiest, gookiest part of the driveway. She sunk her little Scion. I waited at the paved road watching her try to get unstuck with no luck. I called her cell phone to tell her to give it up, pull off her shoes, and make her way to my car, which she did – snapping photos as she went. I drove out into the pasture and we made it to the house. It was a long day.

While posting this morning, the dogs started barking. The horses were out. Toby and Jes had already left for work, but Toby was planning on coming home – he has been a bit under the weather. So, it was left to me to walk up and down the pasture with a bucket of feed trying to catch those wild mares. I was glad when Toby showed up. We got the horses caught and penned and the fence fixed – all before 8:30. Yeha!


mornin'lady said...

I'll say that was a long day!! I'm glad your beautiful assistant was with you :)

Junk Diva said...

Country life, goodbye city life, Green Acres we are there!

Junk Diva said...

P.S. To bad all the classes you teach aren't as sharp and attentive as your old lady class.

Bag Blog said...

My Old Ladies are the best!

Buck said...

(My) Old Ladies are the best!

I've reached that point in life where I most definitely agree: old ladies ARE the best.

Of course at this point Old Ladies are my ONLY option, unless my name was Jack Nicholson. Which it most certainly isn't. :-)

You certainly had a full day yesterday, Lou. This morning, too.

Inquiries said...

Hey Diva what two colors make dark? ;)

Junk Diva said...

I buy dark in a tube.

Jo Castillo said...

Heh, heh. I am doing a demo for the Guild here that I dropped out of. I'm thinking it will be much the same as your experience. It is on May Well, I am committed now, the story went to the paper last night. :)

Bag Blog said...

Jo, I hope you do well with your demo. I always wonder how I got myself into such things.

Buck, You have a whole following of blog ladies - I think that counts for something.

Becky G said...

Wow, that was a busy day. I'm glad your ARAG (Anal Retentive Art Guild) demo went well.

Buck, You have a whole following of blog ladies - I think that counts for something.

And we aren't old either. That ought to really count for something!

The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

Did no one catch the stealthy jab at the male driver who couldn't keep his car on a paved road while MamaLou deftly navigated the perilous bog? Masterful. You know MamaLou, you really should introduct me with your kindergarten teacher, there are some days i'm itchin for a scrap...and after three days with Mr. Tucker...i'm primed.

Course of Perfection said...

I'm glad to hear Jesse makes a good kindergarten student. :^)

Inquiries said...

Buck does have his following of women. I am one of them too and I am not old. OR older for that matter.

Diva: I am going to have to talk to Lou about you learning your colors. ;) She drilled it into me!