1. What is your current relationship status?

2. What is your current mood?

3. Who is your favorite band/singer?

4. What is your favorite movie?

5. What kind of pets do you have?

6. Where do you live?

7. Where do you work?

8. What do you drive?

9. What did you do on Saturday?

10. What did you do on Sunday?

11. What is your favorite network TV show?

12. Describe yourself.

13. What is your favorite candy?

14. Favorite sport?

15. Who do you look like?

OK...who is that woman in #15? I'll freely admit to being clue-impaired when it comes to celebs and such.
Well Done!!
Great Meme Lou!
What a fun meme!
(I also LOVE NCIS!)
Buck, that is Kathy Bates - an actress. I actually found a picture of her bare breasted, but I thought that might be more than anyone bargained for.
Oh my goodness, Lou. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing at the American Gothic answer. Yep, that is you and Toby to a T!
Bare breasted Kathy Bates? I'll pass.
This is very cool; never seen something like this. Great imagery!!!
I have no idea what you are doing but I did find out we have a lot of the same things in common! AND I enjoyed all the pictures. BTW, what is a meme?
This was a fun meme - sea-gal and Kris, you should try it.
Thanks for the answer, Lou.
As for: I actually found a picture of her bare breasted, but I thought that might be more than anyone bargained for.
Don't you have my e-mail addy? I'm sure you DO... ;-)
Hey... I was joking (obviously, I hope) with my last. But I just googled her and saw the pic. I actually saw "About Schmidt," being as how I'm a Nicholson fan, and that hot tub scene was just super. Might have been the best scene in what I thought was a pretty bad JN film. I think he (JN) must have needed to make a yacht payment or something...
This was fun! I like Snickers, too. I'm not sure about Kathy Bates. Heh, heh.
Kathy Bates has played in some strange movies. I never saw "About Schmidt" but I liked her in "Failure to Launch." I'd much rather see Terry Bradshaw's naked backside than Kathy Bate's.
Oooh, this was a fun one. I definitely don't have time to do it but I will think about what pics I might have used.
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