I tried to post this several times on Sunday, but Blogger was being a bother, but here is our weekend in a nutshell.

Jesse and I headed to the City after seeing the start of the bike ride/race. About the time we got to OK City, Toby called to say that he had finished the 27 miles, which is all he signed up for. He said it was hot, but fun, not to taxing, and he met some guys from Lawton who bike every Saturday on the Base and through the wild life refuge. Now that sounds more fun – maybe next fall or winter.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was great. The dancing and music were very professional. We had quite a large group of young ladies from our fellowship who attended the musical. They were all dressed up for the play – looking lovely and ladylike. Many of these young ladies are my art students, so it is fun to see them all dressed up. After the play, several of us went to Spaghetti Warehouse in Bricktown. We stuffed ourselves and then had to take a walk on the river. The walk was nice, but even at 7PM, it was hot in OK City. I was glad to get in the air conditioned car and head home.
My niece's old man was probably in that race..he is pushing fifty and a bicycle enthusiast..he rides fifty or more miles each Saturday and Sunday..rain or shine..
I've never seen 7 Brides...but have always wanted to see it. Sounds like a fun (but HOT!!!!) day!
It was just a little too hot this weekend wasn't it? Bricktowne is lovely, but I like it better when it is under 90F
Sounds like a great weekend. I'd love to see 7 Brides on stage.
I think Toby needs a couple of new tires on that bike. Just sayin'... ;-)
Sounds like a full and fun weekend! I agree with you on the heat, Lou. When we lived in OKC TSMP and I used to wait until WELL after sundown in the summer to go outside and sit in the swing under our large oak. And most, if not all, of my gardening work was done well before 0900 in July/August, too. It was just too danged hot, otherwise.
Buck, I was just at your blog writing a comment. Toby doesn't just want new tires, he will want a whole new bike - I know how his mind works.
guyk, I think I saw that man - actually, there was a bunch of old men:)
Amy, I agree - Bricktown is just too hot in the summer. Why no one "happens" to fall in the river is beyond me.
Becky and Mezzo - If you get a chance to see 7Brides/7Brothers, do it. It will make you smile.
Congrats Toby!
The play was great!
Toby's my hero.
Colt & I enjoyed the play so much, we're thinking we need season theater tickets!
Congrats to Toby. Always feels good to finish and complete your goal.
I can't imagine being on a bike 5 minutes, much less several hours.
Glad you enjoyed the play. We sure enjoyed walking around Bricktown when we went to the Big 12 tournament for baseball. Nice place.
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