Several years ago about this time of year, my dad began receiving hospice care. One of the programs that hospice provided was a social worker who came to your house to provide counseling (maybe to check up on you - who knows). The social worker came and sat at the kitchen table and talked to my sister, Mom, and me. Of course we were doing our usual teasing and picking on each other. The social worker said that we were the most functional family she had ever seen. I guess we are pretty functional – whatever that means. I do know that we enjoy each other and have a great time together. We are not without our disagreements, but we do love each other. This Thanksgiving was another great time together. I am always amazed at how much I enjoy my family. I love watching cousins, who rarely see each other during the year, come together as if they were good friends who spend lots of time together. The "in-laws" fit in well with us "outlaws" and get along with everyone, although I am awed that my brothers married so well – my sister too :) We can all laugh and tease and have fun. We can drink, but no one gets drunk and sloppy or ugly. Maybe we are a most functional family.
This year, Mom invited a couple of her friends to come by after lunch with their children and grandchildren and play in the annual Turkey Day football game in the front yard. We have known Ruth and her daughter, Susan, forever. I thought it was funny that Susan, an only child, wanted to stay at our house and join the melee even after the football game. She helped herself to leftovers and her husband joined the guys for a beer and watching football on TV. We are the best party in town.
Mom and her friend, Jean, had conspired to get Jean’s grandson and Jesse together. When they came in the house to meet everyone, Jesse had her ten-year-old cousin down on the floor wrestling. While Mom made introductions, Jesse continued to wrestle – never give up or give in. I don’t know what Jean’s grandson thought. Jesse just smiled and laughed and made polite conversation with the young man, but kept the cousin in place. Jean’s grandson was nice-looking in a fashionable sort of way, but I’m not sure if he could keep up with Jes. She needs a hero.
Here are a few pics from the day. Jesse took lots of photos with her camera, which she may post later. I took some photos of the football game with her camera (I could get spoiled) that I might get posted later.
I thought you would like the "Rat Pack" in the kitchen while Toby carved on the turkey – he was very popular with the dogs.
Here is GBN2 decorating a turkey cookie.
GBN1 did a lovely job on her cookie.
Mom had bought Kathy and I matching shirts - we wore them around for a little while on Wed. Okay, so we do have some dysfunctional times.
Nice pics!
Aggie place mats? You ARE dysfunctional. Or would that be your Mom? ;-)
"Aggie place mats?"
Yeah, I guess no one is perfect. Although I will acknowledge their valiant effort against the hated Texas Longhorns. I really really HATE the Big 12 South.
"I don’t know what Jean’s grandson thought."
If he's worth his salt, it was something along the lines of "dang, that one's a keeper." ;-)
By the way, this line had me laughing: "Jean’s grandson was nice-looking in a fashionable sort of way"
Buck, Thanks for the "hint" on my dysfunctional spelling.
And yes, you two, I did grow up in an Aggie household. It gave us an excellent football spirit and made us tough - able to withstand lots of jokes, teasing, and loss.
Mike, the grandson may have been impressed with Jesse - his eyes certainly lit up, but his fashionable look had me thinking "WTH!" I think it was the exposed chest hair or possibly the gold earring, but maybe it was the square-toed boots. Jesse simply said, "He didn't come ready to play football." Lots of guys think Jesse is just pretty darn cute, but none have "stepped up to the plate." It is like guys today expect the girl to do the chasing - they just don't seem to be "take charge" kind of guys. But that is okay - some day there will be a brave soul who will know what he wants and go get it.
"I think it was the exposed chest hair or possibly the gold earring, but maybe it was the square-toed boots."
You are lucky I wasn't drinking my coffee (at Starbucks since I'm still waiting for internet at my place) when I read would've owed me a new computer. As it stands I probably got some weird looks, as I was just about dying laughing at that description. But hey, with the exposed chest hair he would fit in well in the AF. Long story, suffice to say that a general whose name I won't sully the pages of your blog with changed AF uniform regs so that in our blues we wear a v-neck (thus exposing your chest hair) undershirt instead of a crew of many uniform changes he made for which he was uniformly reviled, among many other reasons.
Anyway, don't get me started on the lack of take chargeness among (some) guys today. It's pathetic. There's a difference between being so extreme you're just a controlling jerk and being forceful and direct when it's appropriate, instead of having such a lack of spine you might as well be an amoeba. I'm very laid back and easygoing and I don't do cold picking up in bars or the like, so I could get mistaken for that, but make no mistake: if I want something I go after least until I find out they already have a significant other (which has happened not once, but twice, since I've been up here...I really need to stop using that particular source for intel). :-p
On a completely unrelated note, tell Jesse if she's got a hankering to visit the great white north she's more than welcome, although I highly recommend summer...unless you really really like snow. ;-)
...changed AF uniform regs so that in our blues we wear a v-neck...
Not AGAIN!?! We went through that stoopidity back in the '70s. NO kidding. I sense a thread-jack coming on...
You didn't know that Buck? Yeah, that was yet another McPeakism, although that one was never changed back, so the AF is still a bunch of chest hair baring manly men. The best part of it is that since no one I know actually WEARS v-neck shirts, you have to buy a bunch of undershirts for the sole purpose of wearing with your blues...thankfully, as a maintainer, the last time I wore blues was at the very beginning of tech school.
Buck and Mike, I haven't noticed the uniforms, but believe me a mom notices such things on young men trying to make an impression on their daughter - tight shirts with chest hair flowing does not make for a great impression. I never thought I would be one to frown upon men wearing an earring (gold hoop)but I found my forhead wrinkling at the sight.
Ha! I didn't notice the earring or the chest hair. I did notice the boots - I was looking at them when I asked if he was going to play footabll with us. But you know, out there somewhere there's a blog where they are making royal fun of me! "Did you see what she was wearing?! And what was with her body slamming her little cousin? She's got 60 lbs on him!"
Jess: I SERIOUSLY doubt there's a blog anywhere making fun of you. Just sayin'. ;-)
You know, you can love your family but that doesn't automatically mean you like them. It's clear that in your family - you like each other and respect each other.
My own recent family situation has highlighted that in a very big way. Good for you guys!!!
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