Tuesday, January 05, 2010

New PC Term

I made a trip to WF yesterday to visit Mom and run some errands. On the way, I turned on the radio in time to catch two disc jockeys chatting about New Year’s resolutions when one of them said, "No one should ever diet. Diets do not work. You should follow a food plan." "Yes," the other one said, "You should eat food that is good for you." Pardon me, but isn’t that what a diet is? Is it now politically incorrect to say "diet," and we must now call it a "food plan?" Later when I mentioned this to Jesse, she said that she had heard something similar on "The Biggest Loser" – the losers are given lists of food to choose from and they call it a "food plan." Yeah well, it is still a diet. A rose by any other name…


Buck said...

Ah... I've always been on the See Food diet. I see food, I eat it. If I like it. I don't, if I don't. Pretty easy for me to say, eh? My offer still holds, Lou, if'n you can figger out a way to make it work... i.e., I'll take 30 or 40 pounds from you, gladly. ;-)

Heh. "Food plans." Yup, we'd be ALL about food plans in these parts! Not.

Catherine MacDermott said...

In France they are not allowed to sell "Diet Coke." It's called "Coke Light." Same thing is true in Japan -- however both for different reasons. The French gov't won't allow anything to be sold as "diet" unless it has true health benefits. And in Japan NO Japanese woman EVER admits to being on a diet, so "diet cokes" DO NOT sell -- however, "Coke Lite" sells like Hot Cakes (lite!).