Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More HHH Pics

Here we are waiting to start the 2011 HHH (Jes, Adam, me, and Toby) Adam is a coworker/friend who has ridden with us before. Due to the heat this summer, Toby rode with me at the HHH. Also the fact that we have been working on the house and not had time to train for the ride made us think twice before doing a longer ride. For those of you who don't know, the HHH is famous for its 100 mile ride, but it has many other rides and races. I usually do the 25 mile ride, while Toby and Jesse have done the 100K (a little over 60 mi.). This year Jesse did the 50 mile ride. I think I could do the 50 or 100K, but not this year - it was just too stinkin' hot! I don't know the temps while we were riding this year, but it did get up to 109 during the day. On our way home that evening, we saw a bank sign that said 107 at 7:01.

Through out the rides, there are rest stops every 10 miles with people serving gatorade, water, fruit, and other things to help out. Of course, Sheppard Air Force Base is the best rest stop. Here is the plane alley that you ride through to get to the rest stop. I tried to put these pics together so that you could get the feel for the view. People stop to take photos of the planes and pilots.
At the end of the ride, they have a fire hydrant spraying water - people ride through it or just stand in it to cool off. I nearly crashed riding through the water when a little kid ran out in front of me. It was a good thang I was going very slow, 'cause the kid never looked up. Here is Jesse's before and after photos
soaking wet. I think last years pic was better, but this one was still fun.
At the finish line, they also have a tent set up with a live band and beer, food, and other drinks. Toby at the end of the race. Hopefully next year will be cooler and we will be in better shape.


Course of Perfection said...

I don't know how you guys do it. I'm in awe.

The guy with his cowboy hat on! I love it!

Buck said...

Of course, Sheppard Air Force Base is the best rest stop.

Of COURSE! (I'm such a Homer.)

Great pics, Lou. I'm with CoP... I dunno how you do it. Or why... but I guess I'm projecting a lil bit in that space. ;-)

Bag Blog said...

CoP and Buck,
Some of were not born with the thin genes, and we have to do some sort of exercise. Bicycling is not bad. I'd rather play volleyball, but I have to have lots of other people to play with me - can't always do that. Biking I can do.

Christina RN LMT said...

Congratulations, that's amazing! It looks like y'all had a lot of fun. I think I'd expire just from the heat if I participated.

Bag Blog said...

Thanks Christina. It was not so hot early in the morning. It was those riders who were still out there after lunch that got the worst heat.

Towanda said...

Sheppard Air Force Base was where I got married 43 years ago. Seeing your pictures of the base brought back some bittersweet memories for me, Lou. :)