The link above takes you to a story about my friend Lynda and being a real cowgirl. For those of you who do not want to read old stories, I'll give you the gist. Lynda and I used to tease each other about being a "real cowgirl." Whenever a challenge of some sort came up, one of us would say, "A real cowgirl could do that." Whether it was backing a trailer or something as simple as opening a jar of pickles. If one one of us was struggling with the jar, the other would say, "A real cowgirl could open that jar." Then we would both laugh. But it was competition, too - a challenge between friends - a cowgirl thang.
Now, Toby can back a trailer just about anywhere. Yesterday, we needed to get some things out of the storage unit. Toby backed the horse trailer/moving van across a busy street and all the way down the storage unit alley to our unit without even a bobble. I'm not sure I could have done it without several tries. I'm way out of practice. Back in NM, we had a Chevy shortbed truck with a bumper pull four-horse trailer. I could put that baby anywhere first try, but that was then. After loading the trailer yesterday, I did bring it home and back it up to the house without any problems. Of course, no one was around to watch me.
The other day one of my young art girls came with her dad to borrow our horse trailer. Since she is learning to drive, her dad had her driving the truck and was making her back up to the trailer. Being the kind of teacher that would throw you in the lake make you swim, he got out of the truck and told her to back it to the trailer - no instruction. Although that teaching method can work, it also makes you want to punch someone in the nose. There she was in the fading sunlight having to back up to a trailer with all of us watching - my heart went out to her. So, I gave her my secret for backing up to the trailer - first time, tried and true - from one cowgirl to another. She did well.
All this trailer talk reminded me of a story from my NM days:
Johnny Mutz is a real cowboy. No, I mean a REAL COWBOY. Johnny is also old time Red River - one of the few true locals left. As you drive out of Eagle Nest, NM, up to Red River, you pass Elizabethtown, an old ghost town. Still standing is the Mutz Hotel (shown in the photo on the link). Johnny's family owned much of the land on that side of the highway and still has a large working ranch there (look for the dragon in the pasture). We once helped out with the spring calf branding on the Mutz ranch - it is a beautiful place. Johnny would be 90+ years old now, and there are lots of stories about Johnny - he is a legend in the area.
One day, the kids and I had been in Red River at the rodeo arena for some event and horseback riding. When it came time to hook up the horse trailer and load up the horses, for some reason, I was all alone. As I started to back the trailer, it started raining. There was no one to help me aim at the trailer, so I did my best and used my secret cowgirl technique. Out of no where, Johnny Mutz came running over to the trailer to give me direction. I was a bit nervous with Johnny watching me, but all he had to do was give me the "stop" signal. I had backed the truck to the trailer dead solid perfect. Johnny was lowering the trailer to the hitch when I jumped out of the truck to join him. With words that I will never forget, in his quiet voice he gave me one of my greatest compliments, "Well, I never knew you'd make a cowgirl." Coming from Johnny Mutz, that meant everything.
I NEED a cowgirl in my life, speakin' as someone who's about as far as it gets from bein' a cowBOY. Actually, the ex-GF was pretty much a cowgirl... the only woman I'd ever met who had her very own tile-cutting saw. But there were other issues that doomed that relationship from the start.
But did she have her own leather tool-belt full of her own tools?
Ah, I lost all my trailer backing up skills long ago. Gene is still great at it. We have a double garage now after many years of none and I have a hard time backing straight out of those. Ha! Never had a toolbelt, though.
You told me about the dragon when I posted a photo! Neat stories. Thanks.
wv - snedisms ..... hmmm.
I love cowboy stories...I might have to go explore that area next time I go to NM.
My saying to myself since I moved from TX to AZ a couple years ago is "cowgirls don't cry." It's been a ride...
I watched my mom back out of her garage the other day - it was scary. She used to be a great backer. Maybe I will go back the horse trailer around the pasture now.
You would love that part of NM especially in the summer when you are tired of the heat.
Yes, Lou, you had better stay in practice. You made me laugh out loud. Good for my soul!!
But did she have her own leather tool-belt full of her own tools?
Yup. And she knew all about raising cows, pigs, and horses, too. She was/is a West Texas ranch gal turned CPA who now lives in Clovis. There was a lot to like about that woman. There were also a couple o' few thangs NOT to like, too. Which only goes to prove the sayin' "One 'aw shit' cancels ten 'attaboys'."
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