Upholstery class went better last night than last week. Although I never said anything to my teacher and I tried to be as normal as a crazy lady could be, I got the feeling that my teacher was avoiding me. She was not very helpful (which may be a good thing) last night, but she did come around to tell me what I had done "was not quite right" and needed to be re-done. And so, I spent a lot of time redoing some of my work - pulling staples out. I didn't feel like I accomplished much, but then maybe my expectations were too high. I do think my chair is going to look great when this is all said and done - there is hope.
Jesse is home for spring break, and I am very much enjoying her. Yesterday she mowed the grass - yeha! It was almost ready to be baled, but after last summer I was just glad it was growing. With this mild winter, the grass was getting to be knee-high and I was beginning to lose things in it. Now where did that dog go? I had to search for the water-hose before we mowed, but I was sure it was in the yard somewhere. Now the yard is looking good.

We put Dad's old desk in the office/hall of closets. This desk set in my parents house for almost 30 years. Dad had built those shelves to set on the desk. The shelves were always a bit crooked, which always made me smile. Toby is not sure he likes the shelves (something about looking bad in the new house) and he turned them over from the way my Dad intended for them to be in order to "give more desktop space". Picture them turned over with the pencil sharpener on the top for the original look. We all laughed at the fact that Dad screwed that pencil sharpener onto the top shelf. Jesse said it reminded her of my dad duct taping the Kleenex box to the dashboard of his truck. Very inventive! Last night, Toby set up my old desktop computer on the old desk. It looks good to me. The crooked shelves still make me smile.
The weather has been beautiful with lots of sunshine, warm temps, and only a slight breeze. That may change with a chance of rain today. I can live with rain - the pond still needs water. While we were in Lubbock last weekend, it rained about three inches here. The pond is looking good.
I like the desk... and the shelves. I can see why they make ya smile.
It's GOOD to have a yard-mower, ain't it? ;-)
Everyone should have a yard-mower or a goat.
Please tell me it wasn't the Great Dane you lost in the tall grass!!!
I love the desk! It's my dream to someday have a writing desk.
Yeah Lou, we're mowing early this year, too. Thank God!
I think our 3 year drought might be breaking. Got thatch, though. I mean THATCH.
Well...it happens.
Nyuk...Kleenex duct taped to the dashboard. Why didn't I think of that????
Just teasin' about the dog, although the neighbor's Corgie was in over his head.
The Kleenex story is pretty funny, and I would blog it, but it may have been one of those thangs where you had to be there.
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