The weather is suppose to be beautiful today. Temps could reach 80. Not bad for March 1! I could get used to this. I guess I'll have to take my new Kindle outside to read in the sun :)
Jesse has been taking a photography class this semester. Lately the assignment has been portraits. Each weekend she makes us do silly things and photographs us - could be used for blackmail. Some of the portraits have to be self-portraits. She sets up a scene and has me take pictures of her. Some are good; some are hysterical. We laugh a lot while taking them. Not to mention how the dogs swarm me while I'm outside - bumping me while I'm focusing, knocking me over if I stoop to get a different angle. The things we photographers go through!
She has also taken a few photos of her friend and fellow student, Carissa.

I've said this many times: Young Jes has some serious talent with a lens.
Our WX will be warm today too, but about ten degrees less than you. And the wind is till blowing.
Thanks for the head's up on the weather. It is beautiful today, but I saw that it was suppose to be windy tomorrow.
Jesse gets it from her mother :)
I love my Kindle! I have been wanting to upgrade to the Fire, but haven't yet. Maybe I can loan you a book. :)
Oooh, what book did you get? There are some pages on Facebook that post links to free Kindle books.
Love my Kindle! It goes everywhere with me! Just need to upgrade to a Fire.
Lou, I don't know why I keep forgetting to put Jesse's blog on my FeedReader.
Just did it. Good photos. Really good.
Love the Egyptian Farmer deal...nyuk.
I had read some reviews that people did not like certain aspects of their Kindle, but to me, it is great, but then I'm easily pleased.
Kindle is suppose to have a large lending library - don't know about fb, but will check it out.
Lets take our Kindles to France.
Since Jesse is a haphazard blogger, putting her on the feedreader or following her is the best way to know when she has posted. Her photos are fun if nothing else.
if we're going, let's set a date! Of course, the Kindles can go!
Great! My smile this a.m.
I'm not a big fan of 80 degrees in February and March. Too many storms.
Sometimes if it warms up early, we do not get the tornado season in May.
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