On Friday I got a text from the puppy people saying that my puppy was ready and to come get him. I was really expecting him next week and thought it might be a bit early. But on Saturday we drove over to Ada, OK, and picked up Maximus. He is so tiny and such a baby. When Zoe came to us years ago, she was probably closer to three months old, much larger, and that is what was in our minds. Maximus is approximately five weeks old and is smaller than our kittens.

When Jesse saw the new puppy, her first words were, "OMG, he is so little!" We were all expecting him to be big since he is a Great Dane, but he is a baby! In fact, he is at that "pee, poop, and sleep" stage.

And like a baby, I have been getting up with him at night to take him out. He does very well with that - eat, sleep, wake, pee, poop, play. We have a routine. He does like to fight and bite for a bit, but then when he gets tired, he falls asleep where ever he is - usually my lap. Toby says I am spoiling him. Well, I gotta hold him while I can.
When we got home with Max on Saturday, It was like a dog circus at the Lazy B. We were babysitting Dawn's dog, Bandit, while she and her family were at the beach for the week.

Bandit is a Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie cross). He is just pretty stinkin' cute. Toby asked me if I would rather have a Morkie than a Dane. Can't I have both? Anyway, with all the dogs, Ranger the Rat Terrier, Jack the Red Heeler, Bandit the Morkie, and the new puppy, it was wild. Also there were the two cats in the house checkin' out the new pup. All were under our feet and in the same corner of the kitchen when we had the one pecking order problem. All week long Bandit has been the low dog on the totem pole. Our dogs have growled, barked, and held him down several times. He decided to bark and jump at the puppy wanting to play . It caused Jack to jump and growl at the puppy, and the puppy thought he was a goner. Of course Ranger is a grumpy old man and will bark and growl at anything. All were vying for our attention. It was a circus, but I think we got it all under control now. One of these days, Maximus will be the big dog. Maybe it is good that he is humbled right now.
The GGs came over Sunday afternoon to see Max. He loved chasing them, and they loved being chased. I foresee lots of romping between the three youngsters. I have tried to take some photos of Max playing, but most were blurry. Taking photos while he sleeps is much easier.

Who could not love this face? I love puppy breath, and I love the new baby.
Ya had a full house... and it sounds like Big Fun. Max is cuter than... well, cute.
Awww he's so cute!
What a great dog! Sounds like fun. . .
Thanks guys. So far he is great!
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