If you think we are not lazy here at the Lazy B, think again. This is a typical evening for us lounging around in front of the TV. Winter time is especially lazy with shorter days. Actually, I wanted to show you how much Maximus has grown. He is now four months old. He thinks he is a little puppy and does not realize that he can no longer go behind the couch or under my desk to chase the cat. The cat's head now fits neatly in Max's mouth, yet they are big buddies.

And my recliner is getting too small for the both of us - or at least with my laptop and my lapdog.
Who could not love this face?

Not included in these family photos is Jack the Red Heeler. He usually comes in the house in the early mornings for his petting and treats, but sometimes he comes in the evenings. Things get a bit wild with one more dog in the house.
1 comment:
Max IS a good lookin' boy.
I see you've hung some of your paintings, too.
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