We did get to spend some time with Jesse, since she was home from her spring-break ski trip.

It is spring here. Things are warming up. Trees and flowers are blooming. Skunks and critters are roaming. We had one skunk that kept coming up into the carport to eat dog food. Our dogs would bark at him from inside their dog house - smart dogs. One day I went out to see what all the fuss was about and nearly walked up to the skunk, but he saw me and sauntered off into the pasture. Now I was onto his ways. The next evening when I heard the barking, I looked out the window and sure enough the skunk was there eating dog food. Then Toby and I did a Keystone Cops routine getting out the door with the gun and the flashlight. Unfortunately, we scared the skunk off before we could get a shot off. Then the next night we did better. We heard the barking, checked outside, saw the skunk, got the gun, got the spotlight, went after the skunk, and killed him dead. Victory dance!
Speaking of critters and spring, I counted nine deer in the pasture yesterday morning.
Here is a photo of my dog-eaten phone. There was no saving it or anything on it. If I had your phone number, I do not have it now. We did the ol' switcheroo at the phone store. I now have Toby's old phone and he has a new/old phone. Our friend, Shay, had a replacement phone,older but never used, that he sold us. Since Toby wanted a smaller phone, he took the new one and I got his. I'm happy with that. Maybe I'll dance around.
See, now that's snow! I don't like the little bit of snow, I like the snow that doesn't melt for three months. Although I never skied, you couldn't keep me off the toboggan hill, or the buffet line. Is that a ooga horn on her head? ha. I think the green caps cuter.
The snow in NM is beautiful and fun, although it is tiring after about 7 months of it. Snow in OK or TX is just a problem.
I don't know what that is on the ski helmet - maybe a camera mount. You can tell it is my daughter in the green cap - she is not techie either.
Nice photos.
It is so hard to keep up with parents. We are past that and now we need keeping up with. Every time Jennie moves she is careful to have a "rest" home nearby. Ha.
Gene is the language policeman in our house. He is very aggravating, tell Toby I sympathize with him!!
I'm happy the snow is in NM and not here. It was 43 this morning and will get to 75 or more. Crazy weather.
Our weather has been similar, but the wind has been howling.
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