My usual art classes with the little girls ended Tuesday - not with a bang, but more like a ppfftt. Only one little girl showed for class. It was a sign that we were done and needed a break. I had planned on doing a drawing on nice paper - do a finished drawing. The one little girl was game, and so we did a drawing of a still-life I had set up. My heart was not in it, but I kept on. The little cup in the upper right corner was a demo of light hitting an object. I needed to show one of my practice doodles. Anytime I set down with paper near me, I doodle, sketch, etc. One of the favorite doodles is to draw an object and play with light hitting it and causing shadow. My little art student needs to practice, practice, practice. I tried to give her some ideas of what to practice on this summer. Maybe she could doodle/practice in church while listening to the sermon. When I was her age, I was filling drawing pads faster than could buy them. So I don't really understand when my girls leave my class and never pick up a pencil or any other type of art medium until they come back for the next lesson.
My phone was not working well this morning. After several dropped or missed calls, I got my phone, a pad, and a pen and drove down the driveway a bit to get better service. After several attempts and dropped calls, I got someone who worked with me well. I was a bit hot to say the least, but I calmed down. Over two hours later, I don't know if we got much done, but the tech support said he would put a "problem ticket" on my phone. Whatever that means. He wore me down. I didn't much care after sitting in the car in the driveway for that long. When I came in the house, my phone did work better. It really does not take much to please me. Hmm, maybe it does not take much to piss me off either. You should have seen my note pad when I came in. Zentangle folks would be jealous.
I really like your drawing! We take a break from the pastel classes for the summer. I think we all get tired.
I have never been much of a sketcher. I did doodle a lot. My friend, Sue, got me sketching about 20 years ago and it is like homework for me. I tend to just do landscapes and easy things, so the Scavenger Hunts have made me sketch other things and my drawing has improved. I'm impatient and don't like do overs so sketch in ink to have an excuse to leave it as it is. Ha.
You have great shapes and shadows in the drawing. Applause!
Thanks, Jo. I don't like do overs either. And I'm quite messy with my drawing - I kind of keep going until I have to erase lines just to find myself again.
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