Last year our adventures in Peru included ziplining across the canyon and roaring river five times.

Now I am taking on a new challenge, and it may be the scariest yet. I have been offered a half-day teaching job in Comanche - teaching art in the high school. So why is that scary? After all, I have taught in public schools before. I have taught high school kids (twenty years ago!). I have taught art girls for the last 15 years. But I have never taught art in public school. When I think that I will need to do lots of planning and prep time - that I will need to keep the kids on task and busy, I freak a bit. The worlds greatest procrastinator just put herself on a time schedule with lots of deadlines. But it is just half a day - right?!
The principal actually said that he had a couple of other people wanting the job, but he liked my "maturity." I probably should have pointed out that I am hormonal, which is not exactly like postal, but close. It is funny that back in my college days, I started out thinking I would teach art. For different reasons, I switched my first teaching field to English and my second teaching field to art. I loved teaching English - it was very structured. Art, well, not so structured! And that is the challenge.
When I texted Jesse and told her about the position and offer and asked her opinion, she texted back, "Pros and cons?" I texted, "Pros - purpose in life." She texted, "That is an important one." Then she started giving me lots of positive feedback. Thank you, Jesse, for understanding that and being positive. Toby was also positive. He knows my struggles with purpose. Bo was not so positive at first, but then he gave me the thumbs up. I appreciate that too. I need encouragement at this point in well as a challenge. Hopefully I will be able to do this and smile at the same time.
Congratulations! I think you CAN do this!
Thanks, Robin. We will still do art too.
You will be great at this. Wow, I am impressed. Woohoo!
Proud of you, old hormonal adventuress!
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