The Duncan Dehydrator is coming up this weekend. Last year I was recovering from my Peru trip and did not ride in the Dehydrator. This year Toby wants to take the GGs and ride the ten mile section of the ride. In the past, he and Jesse have ridden the 60+ mile section. I usually ride the 25-33 mile section. I know my limits. Well, I usually know my limits - the Peru trip would have been okay for me, but the blisters on my feet were my downfall. More on that later. In the meantime, Toby had the GGs out to the Lazy B on Sunday to prepare for the bike ride. His plan was to ride them around a section (four miles) on Sunday evening when it was a bit cooler out. Bo went with Toby and the GGS. They had not ridden a mile before Bo had bike troubles. Toby stopped to help him. The GGs came riding back to where Bo's bike had broken down at the bottom of a hill. GBN2 came flying in and hit her brakes too hard, then hit a stick in the road, and did a flip over her handlebars. That was the end of the ride. Fortunately, she was okay except for some road-rash.
On Tuesday we had some cloud cover, so Toby brought the girls home with him to ride again. This time I went along. It reminded me of the days when I used to ski with Bo and Jes. For years I would wait at the top of the ski run and let them get a ways down the hill. Then I would catch up to them and start the routine again. This way, if they fell or had problems, I did not have to climb the mountain to get to them. So it was on the bikes. I had to wait and give them room to ride ahead and then catch up to them. They made it the four miles and made it home before the rain started. They thought they had really ridden far. One of these days, like Bo and Jes skiing, they will get better at their bikes and leave me way behind.
Back to our Peru trip: Shay recently posted his photos of the trip on the internet. I picked out a few photos to share today to show you some of the hike.

What goes up...

High on the mountainside.

Must come down.

To the river. And then we crossed the river in a basket on pulleys. I tried to download a video, but it does not seem to work.
Too high, too hot, too far... :-)
Too high and too far was the truth. Next time I will take the train. But the too hot, well, that was not so bad. Texas is hot. Anything else is manageable.
Love the stories, you are a great mom/grandmom. The Peru trip still looks great.
Glad the bike flip wasn't too bad!
Great pics! But awfully high and narrow. Maybe a few decades ago . . . !
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