Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday Morning Coffee

Monday is ceramic day, again.  I had errands to run so I got here extra early.  I got them all done by 2:30 and headed to the ceramic studio.  I had several things that I wanted to get done there also.  It went much slower at the studio.  I had thrown two plates - the lesson of last week - and set them to dry. They needed lots of trimming. One week later and they were still quite wet and only the small one was trim-able. Since I am slower than molasses trimming, it took me a while. Although I set the other plate out to dry, it never did get dry enough to trim.  It could be that it was a very humid, rainy day. In fact, it came a pour down several times during ceramics. At 5:00 when Jesse was on her way to class, it was so dark that she said it looked like night.

The actual class time for ceramics is from 6 - 9. Since I got there at 2:30, by 8:30 I was worn out. I had thrown four pots and trimmed one. I also glazed a couple and did a pinch pot with the class.  I called it a night at 8:30, but there was still clean-up time.  You would think that I would have slept like a baby, but that was not the case. My shoulder was killing me. Hmm, too many pots!  Then about 4 AM, when I was sleeping like a baby. Catnis, the grandkat, attacked. I punched her with a pillow.

This morning, I am at Frank and Joe's coffee shop to do my blogging. Every other Tuesday the maid comes to clean Jesse's house. Usually, I like to spend time using her Wi-Fi, but not today. I don't really want to be there when she arrives and have to explain in my best Spanglish who I am. So I got up and got going. I was going to go straight home, but I needed more coffee and I had not posted to my blog. Like doing exercise, I was going to put it off. Sigh. But I thought it might be fun to go to Frank and Joe's and sit around drinking coffee and observing life :)


Jo Castillo said...

Wow, ceramics/pottery making is work! Never thought of it that way. Sounds difficult, too. Happy you are going to class.

And, look at that sketching on your phone? Kindle? Applause.

Hugs, Happy Easter.

Bag Blog said...

Jo, it was on my new laptop. Ha! Not very good, but a quick sketch!

Etienne said...

Hey, I know where that place is. I usually turned down Kemp from the freeway to get to my doctor over on the Midwestern parkway.

Alas, I have a new doctor in Norman, so no more Wichita Falls, no more I-44... No more tumbling tumbleweeds...

Jo Castillo said...

Every artsy thang counts!

Bag Blog said...

Etienne, I doubt you will miss the trip down I-44. But we could have met for coffee.

Jo, if I continue to use my laptop for sketching, I may need a pen thang. My fingers seem way too fat for details. I can barely type on this phone.