Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Year

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since Mom passed.  It just doesn't seem possible.  I have been thinking about it lots.  I'm not sure it has gotten much easier.  Most of the time I don't let myself dwell much on her passing.  But today, being a year, I have let myself think on her and miss her.

A couple of nights ago, I had a funny dream about Mom.  In the dream Mom was much her old self and yet in my mind, I knew something was wrong with her.  I told someone in my dream that Mom was dyslexic. The person replied, "She can't read!?"  I knew that dyslexic was not the right word, but in my dream I could not think of the word dementia. Funny!

This morning my older brother called. He had sent an email to me and my other brother and my sister. We all responded in email with thoughts on Mom, but Craig called and we visited a bit.  It is good to keep in touch. I mean that - just a touch is all that is needed sometimes. Just letting each other know that we hurt or that we had a funny memory of Mom, or Dad, etc.

Here is a photo of mom on her 80th birthday.


Jo Castillo said...

Happy y’all talked today. Thanks for the post. Reminded me of my mom, too. Hugs.

Bag Blog said...

Sorry, I was rather pitiful last night, but better now. We took a walk and worked on pottery although it was stinkin' hot in the barn.

Jo Castillo said...

Yep, moving around helps somehow. Gene was so droopy on Saturday after sitting the the car for 3 days. Riding his trike helped get him going again. He's better today.
It felt good to think about my mom, too. :-)