It was party week here. On Tuesday we had the CTAC board Christmas dinner at a local restaurant. Toby and I often joke that if the food is bad and the service is worse, people in Duncan will love it. That pretty well wraps up the dinner part of the party. The people part was much better. I sat next to Annette, who is the mother of our local Oklahoma House Representative and entrepreneur of Distinctive Décor. I don't know her son well, but Annette is one funny lady. She makes me laugh at our board meetings, and at dinner the other night she kept me entertained. She often uses the wrong word (kind of like Jesse). It always makes for interesting conversation. She told a story about Hedy Lamarr, but kept calling her Haddy. She said Haddy had been a great inventor. Then she said, "You should Google it up!" Google it up. Of course - a cross between Google it and look it up. Works for me.
On Friday we drove to Lawton for a dinner party with Toby's fellow employees. I had not met these people. His new job is not in accounting - it is in shipping - so it was a different sort of folk. They were all fun. I enjoyed the people and their spouses. There was one guy who cussed a lot. I can handle a bit of cussing, but it bothers me when it is every other word and it is more than the usual. I had to wonder at his intelligence or up-bringing. The guy's wife, on the other hand, was quite intelligent and enjoyable. Then there was a lady from Los Lunas, NM. She was lots of fun and very New Mexican - made me homesick. It was the food and service that was bad again. If possible, the service was worse than at the CTAC party. The food was better, but geeze Louise it took forever to order and get food. I guess they heard that people from Duncan like bad service and mediocre food.
The highlight of the week was Thursday when Jesse came and picked up Toby to go to OKC. She has been looking for a new/used car. They found her a used Rav 4,
which was just what she wanted. She was back in Duncan in time to go to my watercolor Christmas card party at the CTAC. There were about 14 people who showed up for the watercolor class. Some were really wanting to learn some watercolor techniques. Some were there for the party and wine. It was all fun. Jesse was a big help in setting up and breaking down. Since she is an artist, she was also able to help those around her. At one point the electricity went off. Everyone broke out their phones and kept on painting. Jesse and Darcy (CTAC director) put out candles. The lights were off for about 15 minutes. Everyone made a few cards and had fun, which was the purpose of the party.
On Sunday we had a huge potluck at church. The food was great! So when I weighed in on Monday, my weight was up - go figure!
Ah, “office” parties. At least you went out, I really dislike pot luck parties. Happy you are out and about. Great.
Looks like a nice car for Jesse. Nice she was there for your wine painting party.
They put off Gene’s big turn off until tomorrow. Hoping it will be what we are hoping for. We shall see.
Good to se a post from you. Hugs.
Jo, I hope all goes well for Gene and he gets good results.
The hospital should supply diapers and wipes and other baby essentials for your stay in the hospital, so you won't need to bring any of these.
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My dad always bought these crazy cars. We were five kids, so Mom and Dad and our youngest brother got the front seat, but the rest of us had to fight for position in the back seat. Which usually lasted the whole trip, which is why my Mom hated going anywhere with us.
My dad would stop the car, and tell us he was going to throw us out if we didn't shut up. We never tested that.
We told him we wanted a station wagon like our cousins!
His reply was always something like "spit in one hand and wish in the other, and see which one get's filled first..."
Etienne, it was similar in our family with 4 kids. With both my parents smoking, there was a fight in the backseat for the windows.
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you can also get a basket in the front to hold the baby. other ideas you might want to consider include: car seats, bungee cords, zip ties, duct tape, pogo sticks, meat cleavers, food coolers, yard chippers and trash compactors.
backpack diaper bag
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