Here I am at Viridian having coffee and stealing wifi waiting on my hair appointment.
A few days ago, my blogger friend, FF, came through town and called. We decided to meet at Viridian for a coffee. I decided to get here early and steal wifi before meeting with FF. Unfortunately, I did one of those stupid things. I packed up my computer and my new Kindle to bring, but forgot my phone. It would only be a problem if for some reason FF needed to text me before we met up. I knew Toby would be heading home from work, but he would never hear my phone, and often when he gets home, he puts his phones away and goes to the barn to work. So, I needed to call him before he got home. When I entered Viridian, I looked around for someone I knew - to borrow their phone. I saw no one I knew. The little girl behind the counter asked to help me. I was dumbfounded. I just stood there trying to think of what I should do. Shay and Lindz were not available, and it seemed no one I knew was working at that time. I stood there like a lump. Luckily Jordan, who is a good friend and works at Viridian, came out. She handed over her phone and all was good. FF showed up right on time and we visited for a while. It was good to catch up with her and find out what's happening in her life.
Yesterday I had a massage with Ashley, who used to blog - a lifetime ago. Today I am getting my hair fixed. I would say I'm getting it cut, but fixed is a better word. I need a good trim and my curls need help. They do what they call a curl bake, which I call a clam bake - sounds more exciting. Last week I posted a picture of Beulah Witch from Kukla, Fran, and Ollie on FB. As a kid that I was fascinated by the witch, maybe a bit bothered by her. Her hair was always flying around - gray and wispy and totally out of control. I wondered why. Now I know. It is the way with gray hair.
It sounds like you had a good opportunity to take care of yourself. It was fun talking to you!
Always fun to meet up with a blogging friend.
Your fix ups sound great for you. Applause for taking care of yourself.
I never liked witches either. Spooky.
FF, a little pampering goes a long way. Thanks for dropping by!
Jo, it would be great to get together with you sometime soon, too.
I used to be on Sprint (still have the USB modem in my junk drawer). It was really unlimited data. Then I stopped it, and later restarted it. It was still unlimited data they said.
One day I got an email that I was over my limit. Unlimited didn't mean unlimited anymore. I couldn't figure out why I went over. Then I noticed as I was logged in that I was sucking down a bunch of data.
Windows Update!
It would download, fail, then download again endlessly.
Anyway, always do your Windows update when you get on wifi, and shut the damned thing off otherwise!
Anyway, I have a Linux machine now. I control the updates. Alas, I'm also on cable now that I sold the farm and moved to the city.
Etienne, I only turn the wifi on when I am somewhere I can get wifi. My phone does not usually update until I have wifi. Every Saturday when we see My MIL at the nursing home. I use their wifi to update. We do not have unlimited data and normally we do not go over. It is usually when someone watches too many videos that we go over our limit.
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