Happy New Year a day late! Our holidays have been uneventful or maybe I should say unexciting. We have been without data on our phones and hotspots since before Christmas. I think Toby watches too many videos :) Who knows the whys of our data woes! It has been a pain to have slow internet, but in a way, it's a relief. When you are already out of data, you don't have to worry about running out again. It does keep me from blogging, though.
My niece and her husband came up for Christmas. We had our Christmas Eve party minus the talent show. Shay and Lindz with baby Teddy were there as well as Bo and family. Jesse's friend Lex came - she is always a fun date. People have asked why we did not do the talent show. The truth is that none of us have any real talent and we have run the gamut of skits, poetry, silliness, etc. I did cook enchiladas - a talent of sorts. We played games, made Christmas ornaments, and cut out snow flakes to put on the windows. Are we an exciting bunch or what?!
Christmas Day we all drove over to Wichita Falls to meet up with my brothers for a little party. Toby and I picked up his mom and took her too. She did great. My brother cooked steaks. I baked apple pies. We played pickle ball as well as other inside games. No reindeer games.
It was all a good time, but I was glad the Christmas part was over. I took my Christmas decorations down on New Year Eve. Bo came over and helped Toby work on the man cave/pottery room out in the barn. It is coming along slowly, but at least it is in progress. New Year Day Jesse came over and we met the grandbabies at the theater to see Mary Poppins Returns. It was fun. Mr T, who recently turned six, also went. There is a scene in the movie where Mary Poppins is preparing a bath for the kids. She throws bubble bath and all sorts of odd things into the tub. Then a dolphin pops up out of the bubbles. Mr T popped up too. His eyes were like saucers. He was entranced. I really liked the movie.
GBN2 also had a birthday - she turned 12 a few days ago. She is growing up. GBN1 will be 15 in March. She is beginning to wear make-up. We all thought she would be tall like her mom, but she is about my height. I tell her there is still hope for her to be taller.
As for the New Year resolutions, well, they are about the same as always. I had lost about 30 lbs since last March, but with the holidays I have put a bit back on. Now I will have to work to get back to where I was, and then work to lose more - it is the story of my life. I want to be more organized, so I started a task tracker type thing where I have a list of daily tasks. I mark them off as I do them. I included blogging as one of my tasks. We will see how it works. I also want to be more professional in my art as well as do more art. Same o' stuff.
Sounds like my type of holiday with food and no pressure.
Wow! The girls are growing up, seems such a short time ago when we met them in OKC.
Good luck with the art stuff. You make such beautiful art. Looking forward to all the things….
Jo, I do have good intentions. We'll see how I do. I'll have to send pics of the girls sometime.
I had to go in and have a kidney stone removed (I guess they use sonic waves). There was blood all over the place but the nurse needed me to pee, so there was more blood all over. Finally she gave me a hospital cotton absorption panty and a maxi-pad and put my pants on and said bye bye.
My friend was laughing all the way home, as she never saw a man with panty's and a maxi-pad. I said I never realized what a mess having a period was like.
So at 2am my urine stopped but my bladder kept getting bigger and I had my friend take me to the emergency room and they stuck a pipe down my pee-pee. Ahhhhhh.... The trials and tribulations of old men... Happy New Year!
Etienne, after all that, the year can only get better, hopefully.
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