I am babysitting Theo today. He is sleeping while I am stealing wifi. Hopefully, I can get a quick note to you before I need to play with the baby. It's a tough life, but someone has to do it.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. It was not a big day for me. Saturday I spent time with Jesse and she bought me a shirt, but forgot to give it to me. Ha! Then we went by to see Toby's mom in the nursing home. She is doing well. We took her some baby tulips and put them in a vase that we had bought at the MSU Mother's Day ceramic sale. I had other plans for the vase, but Toby put the tulips in it and they looked great.
Instead of going straight home after visiting Toby's mom, we went to Lawton where they were having their Arts for All in the park. I've probably blogged about this event before, since I love going there. We walked around the artist's booths to see the art. My old art teacher is always there with his ceramics. He talked to Toby and I for a long time giving us pointers on pottery and doing shows. Then Toby and I went over to the food court - much like a carnival. We got a couple of gyros and a corny-dog. I saw people eating turkey legs and was envious. The curly fries with chili and cheese looked pretty darn good, but I wolfed down my gyro and called it good.
I have been extremely lazy when it comes to art and blogging and house cleaning. What is wrong with me? CTAC is taking up lots of my time with different events, meeting, and such. School is almost over at the Edge. I have really been enjoying those kids. It is very laid back. The kids come and go and are not consistent in showing up for class. It is difficult to actually teach. So, we just do art. I give them all sorts of options and let them go at it. We made some ceramic cups. We do lots of paintings, which they love. We did a bit of linocut printing. They liked the carving part. I will probably do this again next year, although the director of the Edge is leaving. I'm not sure what that will mean for me. Maybe I will know more soon.
My little girls art class is almost over for the summer too. They will come tomorrow and maybe one more time. I love them, but I seem to be a bit tired of them. The summer break will be nice. I need to be doing my own art and I have been making excuses for not doing so. Procrastinating.
I apologize for not blogging for such a long period. Who knows if I will do better? I'll try.
Happy to see your blog!!
I was reading about art and not doing art. One of the things the articles repeated, which I think I know, is to just do art every day. As you keep doing art, it gets more routine, but gets you to thinking and having ideas again. It seems to be working with my pastels. Hope so.
On an art break from your classes you can focus more on your art. Getting anxious to paint with you.
Fun that Toby is doing the pottery, too. Did you get the shed/studio finished?
My Mother’s Day was quiet, too. Did see all the kiddos (adults) here. We went to a buffet. Not a favorite for any of us, but it was good not to cook and clean up.
Hugs and Happy Belated Mother’s Day.
Jo, I actually answered your comment days ago , but I guess it didn't post right.
Dang! Ha. I write long answers and never hit send.....Sigh....
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