Wednesday, March 04, 2020

I'm Back

OMG! The Hughes Net guy has bee here for several hours hooking up my internet. I just want it to be okay. I just want to be able to blog again and fix my art website without having to go town and steal wifi. I've missed you so much.

What to blog now?

Life has been super busy with art stuff since last summer. Starting in June with Jesse and the Art Battle. Then it was my turn in August. Then we competed against each other in November. I can give more details on those battles if you want, but they are done and gone.  Next was the CTAC art show in November. But while all of that was going on, Jesse and I were working on putting our art together for a mother/daughter art show at CTAC which started in January. I was also doing a Painted Lady art  show with my old painting buddies. This also took place in January and Feb out at the Chisholm Trail Heritage Center. Both shows just came down last Thursday. Jesse and I also did a demo for the Art Council showing our 20 minute painting style and then discussing our techniques. You would be surprised at how different Jesse is than me.  She was very analytical.  She draws things out even down to drawing the values.  I just go for it. If it works, great. If not, well, try again.

I feel like things should settle down now and I can get back to my own art rather than working on fast acrylic paintings. Although, that has been good for me. I'll try to blog about that sometime soon. Here is what my house looks like with paintings everywhere. I just have not had the want-to to put them all up.  Where the heck am I gonna put them? I need my own art gallery.

As we took down the mother/daughter show, we took Jesse's art over to Viridian Coffee. Here is Jesse with her "Art Battle" series.


Jo Castillo said...

Yay!! I do so miss your stories and lovely paintings.

Those of Jesse’s look like so much fun! She is a painting whiz.

Don’t have a clue about the paintings. I think blogging about one at a time and putting them on Facebook and instagram every few days, etc. Out of sight is out of mind they say.

Get you an email list going. You can do free newsletters on MailChimp. Works great. You can put my e-mail on it!

Looking forward to the new posts and fun. Congratulations and hugs.

Bag Blog said...

Jo, now that I have my internet, I hope to work on my wix site - I need to add paintings and get the kinks worked out of the paying thing. I don't know what MailChimp is, but I will look into it. I should do better on Facebook too. Lots to do!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are back! I would have gone to the shows, had I known! Sorry I missed them!


Bag Blog said...

I am sorry that I didn't think to post the shows on my blog. It's no excuse, but thru the holidays, we were sick and then I had to get art up at two galleries in the first few days of January. It was wild times.