Sunday, March 08, 2020

Two Emails; Two Plays

Recently I received two interesting emails - one good and one not so good:

 Earlier this year I joined the Oklahoma Pastel Society. I had joined them years ago in hopes of having a group to do workshops with and attend meetings and demos. But that was when Mom was not doing well. I didn't go to OKC very much at that time - all my time was spent in Wichita Falls.  Still, I received email newsletters with interesting info, but I never got to a meeting.  Then a year ago or so, I made it to a one day workshop with Dale Martin. It was a nice little workshop, and I met some nice people. A few days ago I got a letter from the OPS saying they would like to highlight me as a member and would I write a bio type thing and send some photos of my work. Heck Yeah was my answer.  So rather than blogging the last couple of days, I have been working on my bio. I still need to do some work on it.

For the past two summers I have participated in the Wild Rivers Plein Air Paint Out. I have blogged about that too. Both years I was impressed with one of the participant/judges, Natasha Isenhour. Her pastels are so amazing. I love the colors, brightness, and simplicity. Last summer, during the last part of the paint out, the quick draw, Natasha was set up near me. She was painting the same building as I was painting, but she was focused on a trailer with junk stacked on it. I was able to watch her work while I did my own painting. Her little painting was amazing. My painting was not so great. Afterwards, I friended her on Facebook and Instagram so I could keep up with her workshops and paintings.  She is very good to answer each comment on social networks and offers some good advice in her posts. She became the president of the Plein Air Painters of New Mexico this year.  In order to get that newsletter, I partially joined the PAPNM. I did not pay the fee, but just wanted to get the news.  The other day, I got an email from PAPNM, but it was a scam. Someone had used their website to get other's info and then send out scam letters. I recognized the scam and sent PAPNM a letter warning them. I got immediate response thanking me and asking me if I were a computer wiz and could help them. Duh, no. I know nothing. But I found the whole thing very interesting.

In other news, a few weeks ago, Jesse and I went to see Wichita Falls' Backdoor Theater's production of "Oliver." One of her artist buddies was in the play. He has been very good to support mine and Jesse's art, so we wanted to support his play production. It was good and lots of fun.

Yesterday, we went to see Midwestern's production of "Little Shop of Horrors." Jesse's manfriend (another story) is a professor at Midwestern in the music department. He was conducting and helping to direct the play. This play was even better than "Oliver." I had never seen "Little Shop of Horrors" but it was great. Wow! Two plays in a few weeks. That's highly unusual for me, but something I really enjoyed.


Jo Castillo said...

Great to hear from you about all you have going on. Good luck with all the pastel stuff.

You should go to Natasha’s workshop in Santa Fe. Surely someone you know would be there. Our summer is still up for grabs, but think we are headed to Kentucky, Michigan and Canada. We will see how mobile we are.

Bag Blog said...

I am still considering Natasha's workshop. The thing is that it is $750 and that doesn't include a place to stay. I thought about taking my camper. We'll see.