Sunday, January 02, 2022

Resolution Time Again

 It is New Year's Day 2022. Toby and I are in our recliners with all our animals including Jesse's chihuahua. Jesse is in Colorado visiting/mooching off relatives. They are the fun relatives while Toby and I are rather boring. The weather finally turned cold after a week of really warm weather for December. Toby had ankle/Achilles tendon surgery earlier in December and is in a large black boot/cast until March. It doesn't look like we will be very exciting for a while.

It started snowing around 8 PM, and there is a very light dusting of snow on the ground. Rocket, my rat terrier pup, keeps tasting it when he goes out. In his usual Rocket motion, he almost slid off the porch as he came running back in the house. All the dogs looked at me when I tried to put them out before bedtime for one more potty time, as if to say, "No thanks. We will just poop in the house."

Toby and I discussed our New Year's Resolutions for a few minutes. I do like new beginnings or start-overs. I like to have goals. Now, of course, that doesn't mean I will meet all my goals or do well on my resolutions, but I do like to make them. I was quite proud of myself for getting several sets of wine tumblers and coffee cups ready to give away as Christmas presents. I texted my brothers and sister to see if they might want to get together between Christmas and New Year's with the thought of giving my pottery away. One brother listed all dates he was busy rather than the dates he could make time for me. The other brother told me that they didn't want to get out since there is a new covid strain. Okie dokie. My sister was more willing and may still show up. Maybe I will go see her. Whoever we see will get the pottery. I also got my watercolor Christmas cards out before Christmas this year, although I didn't do as many. 

So back to my resolutions/goals. Of course, there is my never-ending diet goals. Then there is the goal of doing more art. Let's make that one a little more defined. I want to do art that means something to me - the stuff that has intrigued me for a long time rolling around in my head.  Commissions are nice and art battles are fun, but they are a pain in the butt. They make me fretful, because I want to do what the person wants, and I want to do a good job, but painting something that is in someone else's brain is difficult and sometimes it is no fun. I did make some ramen bowls for a friend. She sent me a picture saying she wanted two bowls. I made four, because you never know at what point pottery will go wrong.

All four turned out nice, and she bought all four. I don't seem to have the same aversion to making someone a piece of pottery as I do painting them a painting. So, the resolution is to paint for myself. 

Another resolution is to get rid of some junk and organize myself. Organize might not be the right word. but I do need to clean out closets and spaces and the barn. Toby is talking retiring sometime this year and I think he will be a big encouragement to getting rid of junk. Or, I might kill him :) Actually, I am looking forward to his retiring. I like spending time with him, but it will take some getting used to and some re-organizing of our life together.

Once again, I will try to blog more, but that is not a resolution. It is not even a promise. But as in all things, I want to do better and do well at what I do. It is just that I am lazy and a procrastinator.  I want to be a better CTAC president. I want to be a better friend. I want to have paint time with friends.  Mostly, I want things to be meaningful. Time is a wastin'.


Jo Castillo said...

Hmm, I never made resolutions as I could not keep them or decide what my goals were. Somehow family always gets in the way. I’m sure that I encourage that so I don’t have to plan and fall short. I love your bowls. You did them beautifully. I think painting is so much easier when it is your thing/my thing. My vision and others never seems to be the same.

Retirement was a challenge. Gene has always been good about helping around the house so we divided up the chores pretty easily. He still thinks that I don’t do anything when he is out riding his trike or whatever and is surprised when I haven’t done what he thought I should have. (That probably doesn’t make sense.)

We have cold starting this morning. Went to eat at the golf course as they have opened a Cajun restaurant there. It was good. So a new place to eat in Bastrop. It was cold but we just walked from the car to the clubhouse.

I figured when I saw you commented on my blog that you had posted! I check my blog reader every day, but I’m sure when you post. Love it!

Bag Blog said...

Toby is good at helping around the house too. Like Gene, sometimes Toby thinks I don't do things that he thinks I should do. Maybe he is right. I saw a meme on Facebook that said something like: If I had known getting married would mean I had to make dinner for the rest of my life, I might have rethought the whole thing.