Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Art, Dogs, Camp, the Usual Busy

If I haven't mentioned this, I will do so now. When you leave a comment on my blog, I get an email where I can read the comment and accept it or trash it. I get some spam stuff now and then, but not often. When I open the email on my computer, I can see the comment, but I cannot okay it from my computer. I have to go to blogger to do that on the computer, which is not really any problem. When I get the email on my phone, I can okay the comment from my phone very easily, which is what I usually do. But for some reason my phone has been sending those comment emails to my spam folder. So I have missed some comments. I usually find them at some point, but way late. I'm really sorry about that and will try to do better.

Last week my calendar was pretty full with CTAC meetings and church camp - the one where we go camp out in the Wichita mountains. We took the Casita and spent Friday night and most of Saturday. I took my watercolors and let the little kids paint. It was wave after wave of little kids. They had a blast. 

This week it is full of art stuff again. Monday I went to pick up my art from Viridian in Lawton. I had sold three paintings. Since I was heading to Lawton, I scheduled a facial - something I have wanted to do for a long time. It was nice. I don't think it improved my looks or anything, but it felt good and was very relaxing. After my facial, I met my cousin for lunch. We always have a good time together. On Tuesday I normally have my two art students - pottery in the morning and painting in the afternoon. But both students canceled on me, so I went down to the CTAC gallery and hung the latest show. There will be three artists showing. Arlyn Brantly is the art teacher in Marlow, OK. He is a great teacher and has a variety of art. Lori Snowden is from Choctaw, OK, and has a variety also. She does some modern art in acrylic as well as pen/ink/paint things that are really cool, but difficult to explain. She is one of those artists who likes to try all sorts of things. Then the other artist is Julie Kendall. Julie works mostly in pastels and does some really nice landscapes - lots of darks and lights. It should be a good show.

I also took the two dogs to the vet yesterday morning. Jet has something where his eyelashes grow towards his eye and bother his eye. He squints a lot and has a runny eye sometimes. It kind of looks like he is gonna draw down on ya! Rocket got a heartworm test and a chip. Jet already got his chip last week when we took him to be neutered. Dealing with Rocket at the vet is difficult. He is okay until you try to hold him down. We actually got him calm, inserted a needle, and then all hell broke loose - twice! But we gotter done.

Today, I stayed home and worked on pottery. I started a glaze fire in the kiln and then threw 4 mugs and put handles on them. I am behind in my production. Hopefully when Toby retires in Feb, he will get my big kiln working. That seems to be the phrase of the times - When Toby retires....

Tomorrow I will go to WF at some point to do some grocery shopping. CTAC has the reception on Friday evening, and I have to make some sort of finger food. Later in the evening there is the Mystery Art Fest, which is the fund raiser for the WF art people. Jesse and I both entered some pieces to be silent auctioned over the month. 

After the art reception on Friday evening, we don't have anything planned for the weekend. Next weekend we have a big family reunion in WF. I look forward to seeing my cousins and especially my Uncle Bob. But reunions are work. At least the weather is slightly better - upper 80s rather than 90s. I can live with that. We really need some rain, though. It is dry!


Jo Castillo said...

Awww, such a great photo. Looks like you all had a great time. The upcoming show sounds great. Congrats on your sales.

Blogger is usually nice to me, but tonight it won’t post my photos. I tried from my iMac and from my phone. It shows that the photos are in the blog photos but won’t put them in my post. Sigh… Maybe tomorrow.

Where does the time go? It is already October. We haven’t been anywhere and guess we won’t be going. Too many doctor appointments.

I’m happy to not be caring for animals. We were at Jennie’s for the birthdays and even the two little dogs are a pain. She spends lots of money at vets, too. She does her own grooming but still.

Happy you got personal grooming, too. Ha. I can’t do any of that. “don’t touch me” is my motto.

Don’t worry about answering my comments!

Hugs and enjoy the cooler weather.

bag blog said...

Jo, The time is going fast. Not fast enough for Toby's retirement, though. I have had my hopes set on going to the Texas Clay Festival in late Oct, but who knows if we will really get away and go. It will all be okay, but I was really hoping to come see you guys.