Sunday, May 19, 2024

Welcome to Old Age

 Last weekend TobyLou Pottery set up at the Lawton Arts for All. It was a three day show and a well established arts festival. We had great sales on Friday and Saturday, which were beautiful days, but it rained all day Sunday. It quit raining in time for us to pack up and leave. Still, we did well and had fun. When we do a big arts/crafts show, we take our mugs as well as my little watercolors and also some of the grandkid's weaved pot-holders.  I actually sold several watercolor paintings.  

This week we got busy making more mugs and stuff to build back our inventory. We have another three day arts festival planned in June and will need lots of mugs and such. It was a fairly slow week and made for good pottery time.  The weather was good enough that we could keep the doors open to the studio and work. Then today, it was hot and muggy. I am afraid spring is over and summer is here. Time for the air conditioner.

One other interesting thing this week: I went to the eye doctor in Lawton to make arrangements to have cataract surgery - instigated by my regular eye doctor. I guess I am officially old now. They dilated my eyes, something that I had never done before. They put some other drops in while they were at it. My eyes were immediately dry and scratchy. I had to wait a while to actually see the doctor. He examined my eyes with very bright lights. If I was not blind already, I would be after that. When he was all done and said that I had moderate cataracts in both eyes, he asked if I wanted to do surgery. I was confused. Isn't that why I was there? After some back and forth, he finally said, "I think you should go ahead and have surgery." Well, yeah! Then they took me to another room where Toby joined me. A lady explained that I could have the new fancy laser surgery that makes the surgery go much better and heal much faster, but that's not all. I could get a new special lens that would improve my eyesight. It would cost $3000 an eye, not covered by insurance. Or I could do the laser surgery and get the cataracts removed and a new lens that might help somewhat - still expensive and not covered by insurance. Or I could get the regular old surgery all covered by insurance. So basically they could make this surgery easier on the patient, but only if you are willing to pay up with the cash-ola. Gee, I think I'll have the old fashioned surgery with all the pain and longer recovery time, thank you very much. Then the lady said that the doctor said I had dry eyes and I should put drops in them several times a day. I tried to explain that the drops that they put in my eyes were the problem, but who knows. She said I needed to take good care of my eyes, because we wanted the healthiest eyes possible for the surgery.

Allthough, these eye specialists were all very nice, I couldn't help feel like the whole cataract thing is a rigged game. Kind of a scam to get money from old people! Like hearing aid - that will cost you an arm and a leg!  And then there is all the joint replacements, because we have worn out parts. Welcome to being old.

You know that I am really just making fun. It will all be good.


Jo Castillo said...

Welcome to the crowd! I had cataract surgery waaaaay back in the early 90s. I'm still seeing so well and was happy to have it done. It didn't seem to have changed much since as Gene had his done 2 years ago. I do think they can put in bifocals and that sort of lens. I opted for distance on my standard ones and use readers for close work/reading.

So nice that you have done well at the shows. I love your booth. My niece brought us each a little round plate, like to hold a tea bag maybe. Mine has chile peppers sort of sculpted into the clay and painted. I thought it would be a great way to use up left overs and have an inexpensive thing to sell for gifts. I'll text you a photo. She got Larry a black one with a moon and stars or something. Joanna's had wildflowers. Anyway, nice to have fun with Toby and do the shows together!

All swell in Bastrop today....

bag blog said...

I like the idea of the stamped little plates. I do little plates with pattern on rolled on with different designs. I tried a chile pepper stamp, but it didn't work like I wanted it to work. I'll give it another try.

Anonymous said...

I had right eye done. Got the cheap solution. Wish I got the expensive version, as I have $400 reading glasses, and $400 driving glasses.