Saturday, June 08, 2024

Old Eyes

 Last week I had cataract surgery on my right eye. It all went very easily. It was so easy that it was difficult for me to follow instructions like: don't bend over for long, don't lift anything heavy, don't rub your eye, etc. Since the surgery was pretty much painless and you feel fine, it is just easy to forget and do those very things.  Toby was good to remind me, but he doesn't follow me around and keep me from doing stupid things. Fortunately, I did fine. Then Thursday I had my second surgery. It was easy too, but maybe more blurry for the rest of the day. One of the instructions this time, was that I should use my eyes - watch TV, read, computer, etc. We came home and packed up the pottery and went to the After Hours Artwalk in Wichita Falls. I saw one of my old high school buddies. While talking, I told her that I had had cataract surgery that morning. She said, "You shouldn't be here!" I replied, "Where should I be? She didn't have an answer. Truly, I was fine. I wore my good sunglasses, Toby lifted everything, and I sat around like a princess and visited with people. 

Jesse's birthday was earlier this week. We called and sang happy birthday to her. She was planning on going hiking somewhere south of Morgantown. She has her art buddies and is getting active in the art community. She drove somewhere near Pittsburgh to do some sort of volunteer art work. She has also been painting lots since school is out, because she is putting work in some gallery show in Montana. In July, she will go to Maine for three weeks to do some sort of residency at a ceramic facility called Watershed. I told her that I would fly out to WV and drive to Maine with her - that we could make a vacation out of it, stopping at pottery places all along the way. She just laughed probably relieved that I was not serious. Sounded good to me.

Bo's birthday is in a few days. My kids are getting old - such an odd feeling. Life is rolling by way too fast.

Today was CTAC's Paint in the Park.  It was held at a local B&B here that is a beautiful old house, and cottages with a lovely yard. I was the judge this year, but I painted for the fun of it. I told people that if they didn't like how I judged, they could blame it on my eyesight :) We usually have about 15 people show up to paint. The winners were posted on Facebook and Instagram under the Chisholm Trail Arts Council. Here is my little sketch: 

1 comment:

Jo Castillo said...

Oh, I am so pleased that your surgery went well. Applause and hugs for that.

The art show in the park sounds great. Too bad you can't give yourself an award, I love the painting!

Jessie sounds like she is doing well. Please for that as well. Gosh our kids are so old. Larry is in NY State starting tomorrow for a while. I envy that he will be in mountains and cool weather. I'm expecting cool photos.

Thanks for posting....hugs.