Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Little House on the Prairie

Despite the howling winds, we were able to get lots done on the house. I say "lots", but we did not get nearly as much done as we wanted. It is amazing how many things can go wrong or just interupt your plans. Toby took off Thursday and Friday to work on the house. We did fairly well on Thursday, but when it came time to actually start framing, we realized that we needed more exact plans and measurements and a trip to Home Depot. By Friday afternoon we were back at it, and got one wall framed up. Of course, the plan was to have all of the walls up by Friday afternoon. After making several mistakes and having to undo (knock out nails and boards), we used some simple math to figure out the rise of the wall and got things going. Jesse and I are becoming the demolition queens. Saturday, Bo was there to help again. We got all of the walls up. This was still much slower than we had intended due to a bent saw blade on the chop saw and another trip to town. Sunday afternoon we got a few more things done, but we were dragging.

Yesterday, I met Toby at the house after work to try and get the sheathing up. After putting up two boards, an older friend from church showed up to get an old airconditioner that we did not need. Because the air conditioner weighed a ton, we volunteered to take it to his house and help install it sometime before dark. Then we went back to work on the sheathing. Toby made one cut with the skill saw when we noticed a burning smell. With the next cut, the skill saw bit the dust. We decided to call it a day on building and just go install the airconditioner. The installation was not too much of a problem for us, but imagine working with Treebeard from Lord of the Rings. Our older friend from church is a wonderful man, but everything he does is in slow motion. Oh well, we needed a lesson in patience and the fellowhip with Treebeard was very pleasant. Tomorrow is another day.

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