Sunday, August 19, 2007

Gone to Lubbock

Toby and I are headed to Lubbock today. We will probably be there for a few days. I doubt I will have any computer access. Here are some photos to enjoy while I am gone. Jesse with the killer key-hole saw. GBN1 and 2 in a box. See you soon.


Buck said...

GBN2 sure has big beautiful eyes!

Have fun in Lubbock...

Anonymous said...

She (GBN2) sure does (have big beautiful eyes!)....but take a close look at Toby and Jesse's eyes too! I can see where those purty eyes come from! Have fun in Lubbock, Lou. I've never spent much time there, but from what I've heard from others, it's not a place one would identify as a "must see before I die" kinda place. But if anyone can find fun somewhere, it would be you, Lou!