Friday, August 03, 2007

Painting of the Week

On Tuesday I had an "older ladies" art class. We chose a print from which to do a painting together. The first photo is how my painting turned out. The second painting is smaller and done with my regular Thursday art class.


Becky G said...

Great paintings as usual, but I am expecially fond of the first one. It looks like a very sunny and pleasant place to be.

Bag Blog said...

Thanks, Becky. I think that is why the ladies chose that picture.

Buck said...

I'm always amazed at the difference between the thumbnail-sorta view one gets by looking at the blog page, vs. the close-up view of the individual paintings, where you can see how you have blended your colors and the way you use your brush(es?). That fascinates me.

Good stuff, as always!

Bag Blog said...

Thanks, Buck. There is a big difference in viewing a painting close up and backing a way from the painting and getting the full effect. My students get frustrated with their art when viewing close up. Then I take it away from them, hold it at a distance, and they become more pleased. My students tease me because I constantly say, "Back away from the painting!"