Monday, February 11, 2008

Junkfood and Junk

Hello, my name is Lou and I am a carb-oholic. I love chips, potatoes, bread, etc. Unfortunately, I have the metabolism of a snail (I don’t really know if that is slow or not, but you get the picture). I have the bone structure of a football player and the height of a midget. Does that seem a little unfair? Despite my size, I am able to walk far distances, run across airports, and climb mountains. I am a donkey – not in the way you think. Well, maybe I am an a$$ sometimes, but I am talking about my continued plodding along, my sure-footed-ness, and some stubbornness. This morning on GMA I heard that drinking just one diet drink a day could make you gain weight rather than lose weight. Some doctor did tests on rats to show that fake sugar could mess up your mind. No one knows how or if it really does this, but some of the rats gained weight. Maybe I am a rat. Whatever! It is just not fair.

Today is a dreary day. I treated myself to a pedicure, if that can be considered a treat.

My mom is feeling better and thinking clearer. She was pretty sick with some flu/bug. If you talked to her this last weekend, you might want to call her again, because she was pretty out of it last weekend. Today would have been her 53 anniversary. I'm not sure she thought about it. None of us were ever good with birthdays and anniversaries. Mom has lots on her mind these days - she told me that someone had put a contract on her old house – yeha! It would be great if she were rid of that albatross. It would also put pressure on us to get her moved – I work well under pressure. Many of you wrote and were concerned with moving Mom after 31 years in the same house. It won’t be easy, but it will be good. The new house is light, airy, and bright. It is a good size and can hold her stuff, but it will be a good reason to clean out the old junk. It is a good time for it too. If things get sentimental, we will just make Jesse help. She will hold up some junk and say, "Is this important to you? When was the last time you used it? Let it go!" Jesse is good. In fact, I think she should hire out as a de-junker.

Speaking of Jesse, take a look at her new blog and then visit Ashley’s blog for a younger view of the world.


The Friendly Neighborhood Piper said...

So...tribe of Issachar?

Buck said...

It is just not fair.

Agreed, speaking from the other side of the street... which would be the side where one just cannot gain weight, no matter how hard one tries.

Maybe I should choke down some sort of diet pop once a day. Except I can't stomach the taste of it. ANY of it...

Becky G said...

That is interesting about the diet drinks. I did hear on TV long time ago Raquel Welch say not to drink diet drinks because you never see a skinny person drinking them. Maybe I should switch back to the full strength stuff. Just to see what happens.

Inquiries said...

That is funny about diet drinks. So at art now will you have a regular Pepsi? I agree it is not fair. I feel your pain. I am a short line backer too.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking that the move from one house to another will be a good know my grandmother lived around the corner (or there abouts and so did Annette Davis' grandmother) isn't that a weird thing!! So needless to say the neighborhood is very old...out with the old and in with the new. Speaking of houses Blaine and Amber just contracted to build a new house...

Anonymous said...

and speaking of shedding the pounds...we are what we are (well we can change a few things...) but I love you just the way you are..the things of the that's where it's at!!!
PS. I hate my gray hair!!!(Lo'Real 6R LOL)

Bag Blog said...

Anny, you have lots going on - let me know how the wedding plans progress and if we can come too. I wish I could buy some Lo'Real and pour it over my body for instant fix.

Issachar? I may have to look that one up.

Anonymous said...

Dejunker?!? Have you ever seen her room?

Bag Blog said...

I didn't say de-shoe-er or de-clothes-er. I try to keep that secret since she is still looking for a husband. I said de-junker.

mornin'lady said...

Send the dejunker to my house!!!!!