We were hoping to go to an air show at Tinker AFB, but it is not to be. We will be attending a funeral for a dear elderly friend instead. It is not a bad way to spend part of our Memorial Day weekend. There will be good friends gathered to say goodbye to Flossie and support her living family. It is a good reminder of fallen heroes and their living families.
In past Memorial Days, I always think of my own family members who served their country. Today, I would like to remember Toby's dad who served in the Navy in the South Pacific at the end of WWII. Hub never told us anything about his Navy days, but he did have a great photo with his wavy dark hair showing and his cap set back on his head. He was quite the handsome sailor.

Since I cannot post Hub's Navy pic at this time, I will leave you with two more pics of Jesse and her friend Kat.

As always, click to enlarge; you don't want to miss the expressions on Jesse's face.
I want to go to Tinker!
I think mom and dad are going to the funeral. I'm not. Spreading my germs......
Oh my gosh, I just want to cry!! I had written this air show down and still forgot!!!
They'll be in Texas in what, Sept, Nov. or something like that.
I WILL be going!!
promise you'll call me if you hear of another girl!!!!
PROMISE NOW!( I'm twisting your arm till ya say yes, Ha!)
Kinda sorta stormy to the north of you yesterday, huh? I roughnecked a year or so up in the Kingfisher/Enid/Fairview area back in the late fifties and part of 1960..and was in the derrick one night when a small one came through and took out a barn about a half a mile away..we never looked up just went back in the hole..
You were going to the air show instead of my house!! Well ! I don't blame you way more cool.
I see some Lizzy in the sheer joy face of Jesse. Maybe a little orneriness also.
Diva, It would have been a tough choice. Lets see, USAF soldiers vs. Old ladies....hmm. Orneriness - ya think? In one of my girls?
guyk, We got a big storm last night. My heavy patio furniture got blown around - lots of lightning. I remember lifting my head and thinking, "If there is a tornado, I sure hope it does not wake me up."
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