Thursday, July 09, 2009

Mom's Report

My trip to WF went very well. Mom got a great report - no colon problems, and she does not ever have to do the procedure again. Mom did have some problems drinking all that she was suppose to drink the night before the colonoscopy, but the actual procedure was not difficult at all. It was very quick. The nurse took Mom away around 9:30 AM and she was back in her room by 9:45. She was awake and ready to leave by 10:00. She felt good, and was hungry. We picked up my sister-in-law and went for lunch at Parkway Grill. Mom was still doing great, so I came home.

My back is doing better today.


Buck said...

Wow... your Mom did better with this than I did. Mine took over two hours (including time spent in the recovery room, out like the proverbial light), but they did both ends at the same time... not with the same instrument, one hopes. :D

Bag Blog said...

Buck, One can always hope:)

Becky G said...

Yay for good medical reports! I'm glad your back is feeling better, as well.

Anxiously awaiting knitting reports.