An old friend whom I found on FaceBook has been sharing her photos from 1977, the year Toby and I married. She said that she used to have a photo of Neil Young at my wedding reception, but had carried it around with her and eventually lost it. That’s okay; I don’t have a photo of him either. Yesterday, she shared this photo of my mom and me at my bridal shower, I think. My wedding was unconventional to say the least, but it was about as normal a wedding as there could be in RR back in the 70’s.

This photo made me LOL. Look at my mom and me – do I look like I was adopted? How can my mom be so tall and thin and have a daughter like me? I was probably all of 120 lbs after my freshman year at TT, which was a bit heavier than I was in high school, but Mom was probably all of 110. Mom is about 5’6" and I am barely 5’2". If I didn’t look so much like my father, I would really wonder about my beginnings. And where did she get those red pants? As for my outfit, well, my wedding shower was held after an evening of working at Texas Red’s. At TR’s the wait-staff all wore jeans (in those days, I wore 29x30 Levi jeans) and a cowboy shirt. We also all wore a red vest provided by TR’s. In that photo, I am wearing my Philmont Boy Scout belt, which some Boy Scout gave me one summer. That is another story, but the scouts would often come to RR for a night on the town. They were usually a fun group.
Anyway, the shower was held at Sandra's house about 10 PM. We opened my gifts, which were fairly odd since the closest department stores were in Albuquerque. I got lots of nic-nac stuff from the curio stores in RR and very few practical household items. After we opened gifts, we went back over to my place and set around the kitchen table and addressed wedding invitations. That was all about a week before the wedding. What a whirlwind! Anyway, enjoy this blast from the past. It certainly gave me a laugh.
Nice pic! Really! I think you look a lot better circa 1977 than some of us did, considering the "fashions" of the day. I cringe at nearly every pic of me from that day, with the exception of the few I have where I'm in uniform. Uniform pics never go out of style...
re: those days, I wore 29x30 Levi jeans... That is precisely what I'm wearing right this minute -- 501s, to be exact. I kid thee not.
Buck, thanks for reading and commenting. If it were not for you, I may not have any comments at all.
Yep, I wish for the thin gene, so that I could wear thin jeans. My older brother got the thin gene. He spent lots of his younger years trying to put weight on.
I LOVE your foggy hillside!
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