An old friend posted this photo on Facebook with the title, "Girls Who Have Been Wild." I don't think we were really all that wild - who knows what we were really doing in this photo. When I look at this photo, I see good friends having a good time. The girls who worked at Texas Reds often dropped by the Motherlode after work to relax and visit with friends. It was a gathering place. Toby and I often put the kids to bed (they were old enough to be alone) and walked around the corner to the Motherlode to scoot a boot before bedtime. We would not stay long - just breeze around the dance floor - say hi and bye. It was a different way of life then - some of it very good and some not. I do love and miss those "wild girls" who were good friends. I am pretty sure that was not my shot glass.
Appearances can be deceiving, on the one hand. And OTOH there's the "yeahrightsure" response. You KNOW which would apply if I'd post a similar photo of the Old Gang. Heh. ;-)
wv: essis. As in "essiss MY shot glass?"
I have some old pictures just like that, and I can't for the life of me remember any of the "actual" times they were taken. But it sure looked fun! and probably was at the time.
What is a shot glass? (hee hee)
I was doing a little 'surfing' using the Bloglines that recommend sites I might like.
I found yours; looks like we're in the same age category - or at least being a mom to 5; a grandmother to 12, and a great grandmother to 3 (my stats), I might even be older.
In any case, what I noticed in the photograph, as I notice in photographs taken when I was out and about with friends, is the stark difference than the wild photograph of the 21st century.
Today's 'wild' photograph would probably have the girls' hair all spiked; partially shaved - 2 or 3 different colors; tatooed - pierced all over - huge earrings and provocative clothing.
In addition, they'd be taking down the alcohol like I've seen young people do - pouring it into a funnel that's placed in their mouth; using a plastic tube to chug it down even faster. They'd be rolling their eyes at the camera - making exaggerated expressions to see who could look the most 'wild and wicked'.
So I think one tiny little shot glass that might not belong to any of you (if the bartender hadn't cleaned the bar), and a bunch of smiling faces; clean faces - bouncy clean hair, seems just like a gathering of cheerful friends (and I don't call that wild).
Enjoyed the photo......
Buck, I think you win the caption contest.
Staci, I think this photo was taken around 1987, but I sure don't know.
Happy Nevada, Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. We were pretty wholesome looking - even for the 80's.
yeah...you LOOK like that wasn't your shot glass.
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