Toby bought a huge mailbox a few months back and finally got it put up Wed. evening. In the country you need a large mailbox to hold packages. When your mailman leaves a package on the step, there is the possibility that the dog will open it. Then there is the UPS man who leaves packages who knows where – hence the LARGE mailbox. I walked out to get the mail about 2 PM yesterday and all was well. When Jesse got home around 4, the mailbox had been beaten and pulled off its post and thrown on the ground. So we have a little cheap mailbox from Wal-Mart for five years and no one messes with it. We have a big nice mailbox for one day and someone bashes it. It seems that it is some sort of manhood test to best a big mailbox. I personally think someone is seriously demented and needs their butt kicked. Toby had me paint a Band-Aid on the side of the mailbox where he had to pop the dent out. He thinks that might appease the mailbox basher. I’m for waiting in the bushes with my baseball bat and doing some bashing of my own.
Lou, I remember when I was a kid in a rural area, the guys would brag about driving down the road doing exactly what your poor mailbox fell victim to. Careful waiting in the ditch with a baseball bat, that was the preferred MB assault weapon. Of course the cowboy crowd would rope them on the way by, but mostly it was bats.
heh, WV coproppa
Deb, Our mailbox is situated where you would have to drive up into our cattle guard to get to it or get out of your vehicle to hit it with a bat. There was no drive-by. It was a stop-and-demolish.
NICE! What a bunch of a$$es.
dumb city girl question: could it have been a cow? any tracks in the mud or snow?
what if you put a label on the mailbox saying you are under surveylance? or smile you are on candid camera?
Get the welder out and weld a cage around that box and mount it on about a 4" pipe. That should slow the drive by batting!
I’m for waiting in the bushes with my baseball bat and doing some bashing of my own.
I'm in favor of a 12-gauge and rock salt. Just sayin'.
Why do teenaged boys find things like this entertaining? Ridiculous! I do like your bandaid, though. :P
I think filling the old mailbox full of cement and putting it up beside the road is the way to go. That'l rattle their teeth.
Word Verification: mutter
as in, 'dear ole'
Bo, "Mutter" is what will happen when the mailbox bashers get their teeth rattled.
Love the bandaid! Gene's brother made us a steel mailbox and it is cemented into the ground. I would love to see some bashing! The school bus did push it over once. Ha. I wonder at the bashing, they also shoot them full of holes.
Word verification: mandepo
And, I forgot to say. You need an iPad!
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