Tuesday, November 29, 2011

After the Turkey

At church on Sunday we were expecting the GGs to announce the new baby, but the GGs did not make the announcement. Instead, during the time of announcements and prayer requests, Bo asked for prayer for his wife - that she had a touch of morning sickness. It took everyone just a minute to realize what he had said and then the congregation began clapping. As the Piper said, "Classic Baggett tongue-in-cheek."

Yesterday was back to school, but not really back to normal. The morning started off as kind of funny. I sat down with my laptop and perused my usual blogs. Jesse had posted a picture of my brother and his dog, Boss. The title of the post was "Bossy Breeches." Hmm, that didn't look right to me, so I text her and asked if she meant to put"britches" rather than "breeches." She text back and said that she had googled it, and it was right. I googled it too. She was right, but "britches" can also be used rather than "breeches." So I text her and agreed that she was correct. But then she text that she was changing it to "britches." But why I asked, when you were right? She text back,"Breeches sounds like a Mexican trying to say britches." That had been my exact thought - yes, we did live in NM way too long, and spelling is not our thang. You can take a look at her blog and photos of a woodfiring and a friend's baby girl - some of Jesse great photography.

Toby took a half-day, so after my tutoring, we spent the afternoon together. We decided to drive over to WF to see his mom, whom we did not get to see over Thanksgiving. We did a bit of kicking around and looked at some furniture to fill my new living room. We also stopped by Bed Bath and Beyond to pick up some items for my kitchen and bathroom. In the same shopping center as BB&B is a new Coldwater Creek - had to stop there and buy a new sweater. Also in the shopping center there is a new Men's Warehouse. Toby had been needing a new sport coat, so we did a bit of shopping there, too. Our last stop was Market Street for of supper.

Today I am pretty much a free woman. I will be sanding boards and painting them for the trim work. Jealous, aren't you?!


Buck said...

Jealous, aren't you?!

O, yeh. I'm just all TOO green, here. ;-)

Furniture shopping is fun, I hear. I indulged in furniture BUYING, being typically male about the whole process. I limited my "shopping" (defined as time spent in showrooms looking at stuff) for the new place to about two hours, if that. It's a guy thang.

Bag Blog said...

I read a sign on FB that said, "Going shopping with your husband is like going hunting with the game warden."

Becky G said...

I saw Jesse's blog. She has some great photography over there, and the Breeches story had me rolling.

Word Verification: retna -- so seldom is it a real word, I had to make note of it.

Amanda said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :) And congrats on the expansion of your family!!

Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

I like shopping. At Cabela's or Sportsmans' Warehouse. Beyond that, not so much.

Congrats on the soon to be new addition to the clan!

Bag Blog said...

Thanks, Amanda!

Dave, We shop via catalog at Cabela's now and then or Bass Pro Shop in The City.

Moogie P said...

BB&B and Coldwater Creek. Just about perfect!