It seems no one really likes Romney or Newt, but as I mentioned before, the Media says Romney is our best choice. It also seems that lots of people like what Ron Paul and Rick Santorum are saying (hence the vote in Iowa), but the Media tells us those two are crazy and not electable. Would you say those people who like Paul and Santorum are maybe the far right, Christian conservatives, or maybe just crazy themselves? Or are those people who voted for Paul and Santorum just tired of the same old slick politicians that Romney and Newt represent and are wanting serious change? I'll just refer to the people who voted for Paul and Santorum as the Crazy Conservatives.
If I understand how the Iowa caucus went, Romney just barely won over Santorum with Paul coming in third. Now suppose the Crazy Conservatives had put their votes together and voted for just one Crazy. Hmm, that Crazy would have beaten Romney like a drum with a large majority of votes. It would have been a big statement. If I were a political analyst, I would say that the GOP would do well to take a look at what Paul and Santorum are offering that so many people want. Then I would find the right candidate that represented/expressed those things. That is who is electable. I'm thinkin' it's not Romney or Newt.
It seems to me that the Crazies want things like smaller government, balanced budget, simple and reformed tax laws, and integrity. I'm not sure why that is so crazy. They don't want politics as usual, good ol' boy backslapping, saying one thing and doing another, etc. I watched McCain endorse Romney yesterday saying that Mitt was honest, straightforward, and best candidate to beat Obama. Then the Media showed a clip of four years ago when McCain was calling Romney a liar, wish-washy, worst GOP candidate, etc. What changed in the last four years?
So if you Crazies want change, you'd better get behind one crazy or the other and quit splitting your votes. If you think about it, the Crazies are basically a silent majority that were really not so silent. I think they spoke pretty clear. Now lets see if they can make a difference.
Agree with you Lou!
Crazy = Competent as far as I'm concerned in this election cycle. Happy New Year to you & yours! Love reading & seeing all your pictures over the years....Looks like the kitchen is a big hit with family & friends ~ I want to come play in it someday ;)
I always love to hear from you and your family. I'm probably a FB stalker when it comes to Darsey and her cute little family. You are welcome here anytime.
I could get behind Ron Paul if it weren't for two things: his foreign policy positions (seemingly anti-Israel and ultra-isolationist) and those newsletters published under his name in the '90s. Paul hasn't explained those newsletters to my satisfaction, and there's stuff in there no rational individual should or could believe. Crazy, in other words.
I don't like some of the things I've heard Santorum say, specifically about gays and birth control. There are areas in life where the gub'mint has NO bid'niz, and Santorum stepped over MY line in a couple o' those areas. That said, I'd still vote for Santorum over Obama... it's the "least worst" thang. But I hope he ain't the GOP nominee.
Yeah, I'm kinda where Buck is. And the Elephant.
Moogie and Buck,
I'm with the elephant too, but I'm not so worried about Rick and his views on birth control or gays.
If these crazies don't get together on something Obama is going to win again. Ouch! Too bad they are all politicians and lawyers!
wv: heaten
Guess things are heaten up.
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