Monday, I was suppose to watch GBN2 while my DIL took GBN1 to an appointment in The City. After tutoring, I picked up GBN2 and then picked up Toby for lunch. GBN2 was pleased as punch to be going to lunch at Braums where she could have a chocolate shake with her chicken strips. Puhfect! As we came out of Braums, Toby was carrying GBN2 and the umbrella while I made a run for the car. Two little high school girls came running over to ask if we could give them a jump. Dang, it was pouring rain. I told them yes - what could I say? I also told them to open their hood so we could see where the battery was, but they didn't even know what the battery looked like. Dang. Toby had to get out and do it all for them. He did have the umbrella, but he was pretty wet when he got back in our car. In the meantime, my DIL called to say she had canceled the appointment in The City - too much rain - bring the GBN2 home. GBN2 was very disappointed to have to go home rather than Booboo's house. Toby told me not to turn the car off when I dropped GBN2 at her house - the battery post was very loose. Great. Toby was wet, GBN2 was sad, and I had a broken post. When it rains...
Tuesday mourning started off raining and wet, but by the time I was ready to start the day, it had cleared off. I headed to WF to go with Mom to the doctor. It takes both of us to figure out what he is saying. We had lunch with Jesse, who had just kicked butt in her archery class and was feeling good. I ran lots of errands while in the bigger city including a trip to Hobby Lobby to buy canvas and paints - insert squeal of delight. I stopped by JC Penny's and bought Toby a yellow oxford shirt - puhfect for spring. I made a quick trip to Market Street for our favorite Greek yogurt and then to Sam's for other stuff. And since my fishing tackle box is falling apart, I stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond to buy a new jewelry box. Although the tackle box has worked well, I wanted something nicer for my dresser in the new bedroom.
We did a few things around the house when I got home - thank you daylight savings time. Things are so green here this year. Just to show you the difference in how things were last year at this time and how they are now, here are some photos. These photos were taken last year on March 23.
I took these last night.
Rain is good... unless ya do stuff in it, like jump cars. We've had a little rain but not a lot, which is typical for THPoNM, I suppose. I AM glad it's Spring, though.
Last week the GGs were sick and this week has been rainy. Their mother might be wishing for some sunshine soon and praying for a warm spring.
Even Zoe looks greener!
I wish I could send you some of my rain. I'm despairing of every having a dry yard and clean carpet again.
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