Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Wish for the Moon

When last I mentioned my prospective teaching job in Duncan, they wanted me to watch for a posting of the job on their website and then apply accordingly. Now that has changed. Last Thursday I got a call from the Edge, the school where they asked me to teach one morning a week. They are not going to post the job. But they wanted me to go to the website and fill out a generic application  - they already had me send a resume. Also, I needed to call the admin office and talk to a lady there. She didn't return my call until the next day, but she was very efficient when I did talk to her. It seems she has some sort of rule book to follow - whereas everyone else was just pulling stuff out of their hat. This lady wanted me to provide proof of teaching and my teaching certificates for TX and NM.  She also wanted me to get an official college transcript. You would think that if I have a teaching certificate that wanting a college transcript is just silly, but rules are rules.

Whatever happened to the day when you filled out an application and signed that it was all true. Then if they wanted to hire you, they called your previous employers and talked to them. Oh well. Times have changed. In fact too much time has gone by. Proving that I taught and that I was certified has been a pain. Three years ago I sent requests to the three schools where I had taught some 25 plus years ago. Only one of the schools sent back info. What the heck! Talk about unprofessional! Two of the schools totally ignored my requests. Questa ISD was the only one to send proof of teaching.

So if I have my OK teaching certificate, which I do, why does Duncan need all this other info? Well, they said they had to configure my pay. Geeze Louise! We are only talking about my teaching one morning a week! When I taught at Comanche three years ago, they dickered with me over my pay - not using any sort of professional pay scale. So I know that Duncan can do that too, but won't. They said they were more professional being a larger school district. Pffftt.

Anyway, I have been on the phone with folks in NM and Mission, TX trying to prove that I was a licensed teacher. I have my TX teaching certificate, which is a lifetime certificate.  NM is a whole 'nuther matter. I don't remember ever holding a NM certificate in my hand. I took a National Teacher Exam and then NM hired me. I taught for 2.5 years in Questa and one year in Taos. Although I can prove my teaching experience, Duncan wants proof that I was a licensed teacher. NM does not keep records that far back and if they do, they are not sure they can be located - certainly not by looking things up on a computer. Duncan might as well ask for the moon.  I told them so yesterday.

So here is where I stand. I have a TX and OK teaching certificate. I have taught in public schools for seven years, but can only prove that I taught under a certificate for four years. That may have to be sufficient. Figure my pay accordingly and leave me to teach my little class. Good Grief!


Jo Castillo said...

Ha, not good. Gene says you should forego the salary and just volunteer .. civic duty!

bag blog said...

Shhhhh! Don't tell them, but I would probably do that.

Etienne said...

Tell them to contact your Talent Agent in Hollywood!

I once interviewed for a job in a sweater. Someone mentioned that it was the first time someone came to their interviews without a tie.

I told them I don't own a tie. If that's what they want, don't call me.

Anyway, they called, and I went to work there for 17 years, ha.

You seem too accommodating. They seem like losers to me. Typical state welfare types.

Etienne said...

These school districts today have rules and regulations that are many pages long. They appear to be designed to protect the district and not the teacher, who must initial by every requirement to prove they understand and will comply.

Having done all that I would say: "$200 an hour with a 4-hour minimum" and then give them your bank info.


Bag Blog said...

Sometimes I feel like Popeye. "I've had all I can stands and I can't stands no more!" So I will eat my spinach and do my thang. I will abide by their rules as long as I can, then I won't. But the truth is, they don't really care - if they don't know. The head teacher or principal at this alternative school and I think very much alike and will do fine once we get passed the administrators.